A Gallows Marriage - Chapter 31 - MilaBelle - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

The Wedding

Hermione touched the material of the gown she was wearing. The ivory silk felt slippery beneath her fingers.

It was a simple but impeccably constructed garment. Every stitch was carefully sewn to hug her body precisely, before flowing out at the waist.

Staring into the mirror, she smoothed down the magically charmed fabric. The glass reflected her wide eyes, her flushed cheeks, and the cascade of curls that fell around her shoulders.

It had been Draco’s one request.

“I love your hair,” he had whispered late one night, a strand wrapped around his finger, “you never seem more like ‘Granger’ to me than when your hair is like a halo around your head, catching the light. It’s ethereal.”

Hermione couldn’t have imagined saying no to that.

If someone had told Hermione when she was fifteen that she would be marrying Draco Malfoy, prat-extraordinaire, in the gardens of his ancestral home, she would have laughed and laughed.

A knock came from the door.


Ginny opened the door. The witch looked splendid in a sage green gown that flowed around her.

“You look beautiful,” she beamed.

Hermione felt beautiful, she honestly did, but she also felt so nervous.

“Is it ridiculous that my heart is beating a mile a minute?”

Ginny laughed. “Not at all. I was absolutely a wreck before my wedding. Had to have a nip of firewhisky to calm myself down.”

“But I’ve already been married for five years.”

“Yes, but that was a very different situation. You’re getting your real wedding for the very first time now. You’re allowed to be nervous. But I do have a flask if you need it.”

Hermione laughed as Ginny began reaching for it in her magically hidden pocket. “No thank you. I don’t need to be tipsy down the aisle.”

Ginny shrugged, bringing the flask to her lips before safely returning it to its hiding place.

“It looks spectacular out there. A lot can be said about Narcissa Malfoy, but nobody can fault her for her taste in floral arrangements and topiary. There’s even a unicorn and her foal shrub!”

Hermione had suggested the field outside of their cottage for the vow renewal, but Draco had vetoed the idea. “This is our place, just the two of us. I will repeat my vows here every morning if you ask, but only for you.”

Narcissa had offered the beautiful gardens for a summer wedding, and they had accepted.

Draco had been especially hesitant at first, but Hermione had made her peace with what had occurred at the Manor, especially after the renovations. The ghosts of the past no longer haunted her as they once had. The scars would always linger, but the location itself held no power over her.

“The Daily Prophet tried to show up. Ron had to turn them away. Figured you didn’t want them here,” said Ginny, pulling Hermione from her thoughts.

“He was right. We already did an interview with the Prophet, but they keep asking for more.”

The redhead waggled her brows. “Makes sense. You’re the youngest member on the Wizengamot and you’ve passed monumental legislation for the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. I’ve even heard whispers of you making a great candidate for Minister of Magic in the future.”

Hermione sniffed. “That’s just talk.”

“You’ve made quite the name for yourself outside of the war. And with Draco, reformed bad boy turned philanthropist, by your side, people want a sneak peek into your world. Especially on your wedding day.”

“This day isn’t about any of that. It’s about me and Draco.”

Harry knocked on the door. “I think it’s about time to head down.” When his eyes found Hermione, they lit up.

“Wow, you look amazing, Hermione.”

She felt herself blush at his boyish smile and crooked glasses.

“She always does.” Ginny grinned, grabbing Harry by the arm. “We better go, Harry. It’ll start any minute and sitting in the front row, we can’t be late.”

They both gave her a wave before disappearing to find their seats, leaving Hermione to take a few calming breaths before the ceremony began.


The sun was high in the sky. It was a particularly warm day in June but strong magical charms older than Hermione could fathom kept the gardens a comfortable ambient temperature.

Any nerves were ridiculous.

She wanted to be there. She wanted it more than anything. Draco had asked her once if the idea of publicly declaring him as hers, in front of all their family and friends, made her nervous. She had been honest when she told him she was proud to claim him in front of anyone willing to listen.

She had claimed him when she had proposed to save his life, and once again in the small office of Azkaban when she had taken the Unbreakable Vow, as well as in front of the Wizengamot when he had sat by her side at Codsworth’s trial.

And she had silently claimed the night she received the letter from Harry that Codsworth had been sentenced to the Kiss. As she had read the words on the parchment, she vowed to protect Draco and to love him for all the moments that had been stolen from them. They hadn’t attended Codsworth Kiss even though they were invited. They didn’t need to.

And now was the time for her to claim him once more.

Music floated softly through the warm air that smelled like white florals, courtesy of the beautiful arrangements that were fastened to a large archway. Hermione took a deep breath as she began down the pathway between rows of chairs. Faces of family and friends greeted her and she attempted to smile back, her nerves making it difficult. After a few steps she finally allowed herself to focus on the man waiting at the end.

Hermione felt a deep exhale leave her body slowly as she took him in. Donned in beautiful formal dress robes, Draco looked every bit the aristocratic heir. He stood tall, his blonde hair practically glowing under the sunlight. As Hermione walked down the aisle, getting closer and closer, she realised his chin was wobbling as he bit his lower lip.

“I love you.” she mouthed at him, cursing the careful steps Pansy had practised with her earlier that day.

His face broke for a moment before he regained composure, and he grinned in return. Fingers reached out towards her, his hand still down by his side, motioning for her to hurry. She silently laughed and took the last few steps quicker than planned. She was sure she would hear about it from Pansy later.

“Hi,” she breathed, her hands immediately reaching for him. He felt warm and strong.

His hands gripped hers tightly and promised to not let go. “Hi.”

“Thank you for joining us today, to celebrate Hermione and Draco.” Theo’s loud voice boomed from behind them. “Today we rejoice in their love by witnessing this renewal of vows. I was lucky enough to have a front row seat for the blooming relationship between these two. I can confidently say that their love has stood against many trials and tribulations. I am honoured to be part of this beautiful day; a sentiment I know we all share. Without further ado, let us begin the ceremony.

“Hermione, please repeat after me.

“You are Blood of my Blood, and Bone of my Bone.

I give you my Body, that we Two might be One.

I give you my Spirit, 'til our Life shall be Done.

You cannot possess me for I belong to myself.

But while we both wish it; I give you that which is mine to give.

You cannot command me, for I am a free person.

But I shall serve you in those ways you require,

and the honeycomb will taste sweeter coming from my hand.”

The first time Hermione had recited those vows, they had felt like a weight on her chest, each word increasing the pressure, and she had barely let herself consider what she was repeating. This time however, she savoured the vows. With each phrase, she felt a steadfast chain burst from her chest, directly linking her heart to his. It was unshakable. She was his and he was hers.

Tears had begun to slide from the corners of Draco’s eyes as she spoke her vows, his hands trembling beneath hers. She squeezed him even harder, conveying her love with the touch.

Finally, it was Draco’s turn. Much like the first time they had done this, when it was time for him to speak, he didn’t waiver. Each word rang out strong and sure.

Hermione felt her own tears slide down her cheeks as he finished.

Theo grinned in front of them. “Now Draco has a special message for Hermione.”

Hermione frowned. They hadn’t discussed saying anything past their vows. Draco just squeezed her hand at her confusion.

“Hermione. To stand in front of all our loved ones and pledge myself to you is one of the greatest gifts this life has given me. This world has not always been kind to us and Salazar knows we haven’t always been kind to each other. Still, we were able to find our way to this pinnacle moment. Some would say it was destiny, others might say it is the path of two souls that are intertwined with each other. While I do believe our love will go down in the stars, it was not star-crossed fate that led us here. It was a choice.

“You chose to save me. You are an innately caring being and are so brave. You often choose the uneasy paths in life to do what you think is right. Your unending goodness and your selflessness push me to want to be a better person, even though you are gracious enough to never demand it.

“My commitment is also a choice. Even though the love I feel is undeniable, my devotion to you is a decision. I choose you, Hermione. I choose you to be my partner. I choose you to be my reading companion. I choose to wake up each morning to celebrate you and to fall asleep each night to dream with you. And I vow to choose you every day for the rest of our lives. You are by far the best choice I have ever made. You are my after.”

Hermione couldn’t stop the tears that streamed down her face as his voice broke on the last word.

Hermione threw her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss that set her on fire. She ignored the cheers and whistles that echoed around them.


They had fifteen minutes. Maybe even only ten.

Stuffed in a small toilet that Draco fabricated out of the wall right off from the kitchen, Hermione was pushed against the back of the door, her leg over his shoulder. Her husband was hidden under the fullness of her gown, face buried between her legs. His firm grip on her thigh was the only thing stopping her from toppling over.

“Draco…” she moaned, desperately trying to grasp on to the door behind her. He was sucking her cl*t now, the pressure causing her legs to quake. “Draco, we have… oh, god… we have to hurry.” Each word felt near impossible to get out as he lapped at her.

“It’s our party, Granger. They can wait while I ravage the most beautiful bride that’s ever existed,” he spoke against her, the vibrations causing her to squirm.

“My parents could be looking for me.”

“That’s if Arthur has let them wander away from him, which I highly doubt. Also, please don’t mention your parents while I’m on my knees before you.”

“Pansy will come searching for us and you know it. She refuses to have the wedding she meticulously planned upended, even by the bride and groom.” Hermione continued as he began pushing a long finger inside.

“Last time I saw Pansy, she was staring at Longbottom like she had never seen him before. She’s properly distracted. Now, be very honest with me, do you want me to stop?”

Hermione bit her lip as he stopped his delicate workings. “No,” she finally conceded.

“Thank f*cking goodness,” he growled before setting her down on her legs that felt anything but secure. Carefully manoeuvring her in the cramped space, he positioned her in front of the porcelain washbasin.

“Hold on, Granger.” was the only warning she received before she felt her skirts being lifted to her hips and then he was plunging into her.

They groaned in unison, his movements pausing for a moment as they adjusted to the sensation. It was always so good.

Soon he began moving, his earlier attention providing the perfect slip. Hermione gripped the washbasin, her bare skin pressed against the cold porcelain. She could feel the chill against her nipples through the silk bodice of her gown.

“Look up,” Draco commanded from behind.

“What?” she mumbled, unable to focus on what he was saying as he pumped in and out of her.

“I want you to look up at the mirror,” he repeated as he helped her up while still maintaining an arch in her back to allow him into her body.

“Look at us,” he groaned softly into her ear.

Hermione saw their reflection in the mirror. Both of their cheeks were flushed pink. Pink lipstick was smeared against Draco’s mouth and neck from their fervent kisses as he had led her through the winding halls of the Manor. Draco’s mouth was now hanging open as he watched her take his deep thrusts.

“Oh, f*ck, you just got so wet,” he breathed. “Oh, gods, I’m f*cking my wife right now.”

Hermione laughed but it came out more of a sigh. “You’ve been f*cking your wife for five years.”

“Oh, gods, you’ve been my wife for five years. That’s so f*cking hot,” he moaned before picking up speed. He was now gripping her hips tightly, pulling her against him with even more force. Hermione felt as that familiar cord began to tighten.

Balancing her weight on one arm, she moved her hand behind her, watching their reflection as Draco sucked her two fingers greedily before she slipped them between her legs and began rubbing herself. She was so close.

Sensing the end was near, Draco moved her hair to the side, revealing her neck, and began sucking the delicate skin. It would leave a mark that would need to be charmed but the added sensation tightened that cord even further.

A few more thrusts and she was coming, watching herself in the reflection the entire time. Draco stared back at her and with a loud whimper which he muffled into the skin of her neck, came right after her.

As his movements slowed down, Hermione felt her weight sag against the porcelain. She momentarily thanked her past self for applying charms to keep her eye-makeup from smearing or else she was certain she would have trails of mascara running down her face.

Draco leaned against her body for a moment, catching his breath before he stood. Adjusting her skirts back down, the charmed fabric laying crisp once more, he pulled his wand out to cast a cleansing charm.

“No,” Hermione whispered, stopping the familiar wand movements.

Draco raised his eyebrows at her.

“I want you to think of yourself still inside of me for the rest of the night.”

His jaw slackened and his pupils dilated impossibly larger before he was pulling her into a searing kiss, bruising her lips. “You’re going to be the death of me,” he said against her mouth.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she mumbled, “I won’t let you die until we have lived a long life together, old in our bed. A life sentence, if you will.”

“I gladly accept that sentence.”

He helped her straighten her hair and clothes before checking over his own robes.

“What do we say if someone asks where we were?” she questioned as they left the toilet.

“We were consummating the marriage?”


“Fine, we can tell them you were reading me the latest edition of Hogwarts: A History.

“Ha ha.”

He grinned before pulling her back to him, his arms wrapping around her. “Tell them whatever you want to, Mrs. Malfoy. I will support you through anything.”

Hermione smiled at her husband, who still had pink lipstick on the lapel of his robes before taking his hand and returning to their own celebration.


As fireworks burst in the sky, Hermione felt blissfully happy. She could hear Ron’s boisterous laugh as he dipped Parvati low on the dance floor. Harry was chasing after James and Albus who had stolen large slices of cake while Ginny cheered her sons on, a sleeping Lily tucked in her arms.

Her parents swirled on the dance floor, snuggling close and looking decidedly more comfortable in the magical world after some libations, and Narcissa was chatting quietly with Andromeda while Teddy enjoyed the fireworks display, his hair changing colours with each new explosion of light. He had been excitedly telling anyone who would listen that he would be attending Hogwarts in a years’ time. “Draco says he’ll buy me any broom I want as long as I’m not a Gryffindor. He says it’s a secret though so don’t tell!”

Pansy was whispering into a very pink-cheeked Neville’s ear while Theo eagerly discussed the efficacy of Nargles with Luna. Blaise and Ben sipped on glasses of firewhisky, holding hands in silence.

Friends and family milled about, tipsy on champagne and merriment as fireflies illuminated the dark corners of the expansive garden.

Draco’s arms tightened from behind her, his lips pressed into her hair as they viewed the world around them.

This was it.

There was no going back.

They had come so far and still had a lifetime to go.

They had an after.

A Gallows Marriage - Chapter 31 - MilaBelle - Harry Potter (2024)


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.