Castor: The Ayurvedic Herb for Detox, Pain Relief, and Vitality (2025)

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In the rich tapestry of Ayurveda, where every herb and plant is revered for its unique healing properties, one particular gem stands out for its versatility and efficacy: Eranda, commonly known as castor. This unassuming plant, with its broad, glossy leaves and distinctive seeds, has been a cornerstone of traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Its remarkable benefits extend far beyond the boundaries of ancient practices, making Eranda a celebrated remedy in today’s modern world.

Eranda’s prominence in Ayurveda is no accident. Its seeds yield castor oil, a potent elixir renowned for its wide range of therapeutic applications. The name “Eranda” itself carries a sense of respect, highlighting its significant role in promoting health and well-being. From aiding digestion and relieving joint pain to nurturing skin and hair, Eranda embodies the holistic approach of Ayurveda, addressing the root causes of ailments rather than merely treating symptoms.

As we navigate the complexities of contemporary life, Eranda offers a natural solution to many of our common health challenges.

Read further to know all about Ayurveda’s take on Castor and its innumerable health benefits!

Names of Castor in Different Languages

English – Castor, Arandi

Hindi – Erand, Rendi, Erend

Sanskrit – Eranda

Castor (Eranda) as Described in Ancient Ayurvedic Texts (Shloka verse)

शुक्ल एरण्ड आमण्डश्चित्रो गन्धर्वहस्तकः । पञ्चाङ्गुलो वर्द्धमानो दीर्घदण्डो व्यडम्बकः ॥६०॥
वातारिस्तरुणश्चापि रुबूकश्च निगद्यते । रक्तोऽपरो रुबूकः स्यादुरुबूको रुनुस्तथा ॥६१॥
व्याघ्रपुच्छश्व वातारिश्चञ्चुरुत्तानपत्रकः । एरण्डयुग्मं मधुरमुष्णं गुरु विनाशयेत् ॥६२॥
शूलश थकटीबस्तिशिरःपीडोदरज्वरान् । ब्रध्नश्वास कफा नाहकासकुष्ठाम मारुतान् ॥६३॥
Bhavprakash Nighantu – Guduchyadi Vargha – Shloka no. 60-63

एरण्डपत्रं वातघ्नं कफक्रिमिविनाशनम् । मूत्रकृच्छ्रहरं चापि पित्तरक्तप्रकोपणम् । वातार्यग्रदलं गुल्मबस्तिशुलहरं परम् ॥६४॥
कफवातकृमीन्हन्ति वृद्धिं सप्तविधामपि । एरण्डफलमत्युष्णं गुल्मशूलानिलापहम् ॥६५॥
यकृत्प्लीहोदरार्शोघ्नं कटुकं दीपनं परम् । तद्वन्मज्जा च विडभेदी वातश्लेष्मोदरापहः ॥६६॥
Bhavaprakash Nighantu- Guduchyadi Vargha – Page no. 266 – Shloka no. 64-65

श्वेतैरण्डः सितैरण्डश्चित्रो गन्धर्वहस्तकः ।आमण्डस्तरुणः शुक्लो वातारिर्दीर्घदण्डकः ।
पञ्चाङ्गुलो वर्द्धमानो रुवुको द्वादशाह्वयः ॥५५॥
Raja Nighantu – Shalmayadi Vargha – Shloka no. 55

रक्तैरण्डोऽपरो व्याघ्रो हस्तिकर्णी रुवुस्तथा । उरुवुको नागकर्णश्चञ्चुरुत्तानपत्रकः ॥५६॥
करपर्णो याचनकः स्निग्धो व्याघ्रदलस्तथा । तत्करश्चित्रबीजश्च ह्रस्वैरण्डस्त्रिपञ्चधा ।
Raja Nighantu – Shalmayadi Vargha – Shloka no. 56

श्वेतैरण्डः सकटुकरसस्तिक्त उष्णः कफात्ति- ध्वंसं धत्ते ज्वरहरमरुत्कासहारी रसार्हः ।
रक्तैरण्डः श्वयथुपचनः वान्तिरक्तात्तिपाण्डु- भ्रान्तिश्वासज्वरकफहरोऽरोचकघ्नो लघुश्च ॥५८॥
Raja Nighantu – Shalmayadi Vargha – Shloka no. 57

स्थूलैरण्डो महैरण्डो महापञ्चाङ्‌गुलादिकः । स्थूलैरण्डो गुणाढ्यः स्याद्रसवीर्य्यविपक्तिषु ॥५९॥
Raja Nighantu – Shalmayadi Vargha – Shloka no. 59

एरण्डको यक्षहस्तो रुबुरुत्तानपत्रकः ॥११३॥
पञ्चाङ्गुलो व्याघ्रपुच्छो बर्द्धमानस्तु चित्रकः । गन्धर्वस्तरुणः शुक्लोरुबुको दीर्घदण्डकः ॥११४॥
Kaidev Nighantu – Aushadhadi Vargha – Shloka no. 113

एरण्डो मधुरो वृष्यो गुरूष्णो मार्गशोधनः । कफपित्तानिलश्वासकासवर्माश्मनाशनः ॥११५॥
गुल्मप्लीहोदरानाहकटीवस्तिशिरोरुजि । मेहज्वरामवातास्त्रशूलशोफेषु शस्यते ॥११६॥
Kaidev Nighantu – Aushadhadi Vargha – Shloka no. 115-116

एरण्डपत्रं वातघ्नं कफक्रिमिविनाशनम् । रक्तपित्तप्रकोपि स्यात् मूत्रदोषं जयेदपि ॥११७॥
गुल्मं च वस्तिशूलं च वृद्धिं सप्तविधां तथा । कफवातकृमींश्चापि हन्यादेरण्डपल्लवम् ॥११८॥
Kaidev Nighantu – Aushadhadi Vargha – Shloka no. 117

अन्यो रक्तो हस्तिकर्णो व्याघ्रो व्याघ्रतरू रुवुः ॥१२१॥
उरुबूको हस्तिपर्णश्चञ्चु र्लोहितशीर्षकः । व्यालंबो डिडिण्डिको डिण्डो बूकोऽमंडो बुको रिबुः ॥
Kaidev Nighantu – Aushadhadi Vargha – Shloka no. 121

Appearance of Castor

The eranda plant is a semi-woody shrub that can grow up to 4 meters tall. It has a cylindrical, branched taproot. The stem is stout, hollow, and either pale green or red, turning grey at the base as the plant matures. The leaves are palmately lobed, with 5-9 lobes and long petioles, varying in color from light green to dark red. The flowers are arranged in terminal panicles, with male flowers below and female flowers above. The fruit is a spiny, three-lobed capsule that becomes hard and brittle when ripe. The seeds are shiny, elongated, or oval, with brownish mottling

Castor: The Ayurvedic Herb for Detox, Pain Relief, and Vitality (1)

Ayurvedic Properties of Castor

Rasa (taste) – Eranda has kashaya (astringent), madhura (sweet), and katu (pungent) rasa.

Guna (characteristics) – Snigdha (unctuous), tikshna (sharp), suksma (minute) are some of the properties exhibited by eranda.

Virya (potency) – As described in Ayurveda, eranda is of ushna, which is hot potency.

Vipaka (metabolism action after digestion) – Eranda has madhura (sweet) effect in metabolic response after digestion.

Read more: The Benefits and Uses of Castor Oil in Ayurvedic Medicine


Main Actions & Benefits of Using Castor

In our quest to reconnect with nature’s wisdom, eranda stands as a testament to the timeless principles of Ayurveda. Its enduring legacy and multifaceted uses remind us that true wellness comes from embracing the gifts of the natural world. Whether seeking relief from specific ailments or striving to enhance your overall health, eranda offers a pathway to holistic healing that is both ancient and profoundly relevant. Following are some of the qualities & medicinal actions that eranda exhibits:

Jaundice (Kamala)

Erandaoil is used in a method called‘sneha virechana,‘ which means therapeutic purgation to treat jaundice. This helps detoxify the liver and promotes bile movement, aiding in the cure of jaundice.

Sciatica (Gridhrasi)

In Ayurvedic treatment for sciatica, eranda oil combined with vajeegandhadi (a blend of medicinal herbs) is extensively used in vasti (enema therapy) and pana (oral intake) therapies. This approach can effectively alleviate sciatica symptoms.

Anti-inflammatory Properties

Eranda (castor oil) is highly valued for its anti-inflammatory properties, mainly due to its high ricinoleic acid content. This acid inhibits inflammation-promoting agents, helping to balance Vata and Kapha doshas (body energies), reduce swelling, alleviate pain, and detoxify the body. It nourishes tissues and improves joint mobility. Eranda oil is versatile, used both topically and internally, making it an effective remedy for various inflammatory conditions1.

Pain Relief

Eranda contains ricinoleic acid (ricinolein), which helps modify pain receptors to reduce pain caused by inflammation. When applied topically, it penetrates the skin to relieve discomfort and swelling. Eranda oil is particularly beneficial for balancing the Vata dosha, which is associated with pain, dryness, and structural disorders. It not only addresses symptoms but also helps restore overall harmony within the body by improving circulation and cleansing body channels2.

Antioxidant Activity

Eranda is known for its antioxidant properties, which help balance the doshas (body energies) and maintain health. Castor oil contains phenolic compounds and flavonoids that counteract free radicals, reducing cell damage and inflammation. It supports detoxification and helps clear bodily channels, promoting organ efficiency. Eranda’s liver-friendly nature aids in overall well-being by nourishing cells and maintaining a balanced state within the body, crucial for fighting disease and promoting health3.

Different Parts of the Castor Plant and Their Uses

All these parts can be used for edible purposes or external applications – Roots, leaves, fruits, and seeds.

Root Paste Dried eranda root bark can be ground into a paste with water. This paste can be applied to the skin to relieve inflammation.

Leaves in Herbal Tea Brew a teaspoon of eranda leaf powder in warm water, add ½ teaspoon of turmeric, ¼ teaspoon of black pepper, and honey to taste. This tea aids digestion.

Castor: The Ayurvedic Herb for Detox, Pain Relief, and Vitality (3)

Fruit Powder Sundried and ground eranda fruits can be used to treat gastrointestinal disorders and constipation. It helps regulate bowel movements and has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Castor Seed Oil Extracted from the seeds, castor oil acts as a natural laxative to relieve constipation and promote regular bowel movements.

Castor: The Ayurvedic Herb for Detox, Pain Relief, and Vitality (4)

Benefits of Castor Seed Oil

Anti-inflammatory and Pain Relief Warm a few drops of castor oil and apply it to affected areas to reduce pain and inflammation, especially in joints and muscles. Cover with a warm cloth and leave it on for 30 minutes to an hour before rinsing.

Dysuria Relief Consuming castor oil with yavakshara (an alkali preparation) can relieve painful urination.

Pain in the Waist Mix castor oil with a decoction of dasamula (ten roots) or nagara (ginger) for relief.

Medicinal Uses of Castor

Amvāta (Rhumatoid Arthritis)
आमवातगजेन्द्रस्य शरीरवनचारिणः । राक राव निहन्त्याशु रारण्डस्नेहकेसरी ॥ (भा.प्र.चि. 26/50)
The above text explains that eranda taila (Oil of Ricinus communis/ Castor oil) alone will cure dreadful diseases such as Āmavāta (Rheumatoid arthritis) like how a lion is able to kill a big animal like an elephant.

Pārswaśula (Pain in flanks)
एरण्डमूलं द्विपलं जलेऽष्टगुणिते पचेत् । तत्क्वाथो यावशूकाद्वयः पार्श्वहृतकफशूलहा ॥ (शा.सं. 2/2/101)
Ayurvedic texts state that a kwatha (Decoction) can be prepared from 80gms of eranda mula (Root of Ricinus communis) and 8 times of water. Then this is administered with yavakşāra which helps alleviate pārśwaśūla (Pain in flanks), cardiac pain, and pain due to Kapha.

Vibandha (Constipation)
चाग्र्यमैरण्डं तु विरेचने । (च. सूं. 13/12) एरण्डतैलं त्रिफलाक्वाथेन द्विगुणेन च । युक्तं पीतं पयोभिर्वा न चिरेण विरिच्यते ॥ (शा.सं.3/4/20)
In the context of udara roga (Ascites), acharya caraka wrote that eranda taila (Castor oil) is best for use. Additionally, using castor oil mixed with double the quantity of triphala kwātha (Triphala decoction) or milk will induce purgation immediately.

Sula (Abdominal pain)
विश्वमेरण्डजंमूलं क्वाथयित्वा जलं पिबेत् । हिङ्गुसौवर्चलोपेतं सद्यः शूलनिवारणम् ॥ (भा.प्र.चि. 30/57)
Kwatha (Decoction) prepared from sunthi (ginger), eranda mula (Root of castor) mixed with hingu (asafoetida) and sauvarcala lavana (black salt) will relieve Śūla (Colic) immediately.

Arsas (Piles)
वृषाकैरण्डबिल्वानां पत्रोत्क्वाथैश्च सेचयेत् । (च.चि. 14/44)
A Kwatha (Decoction) prepared from leaves of vrsā (Malabar nut), arka (small crown flower), castor, and bitva (Bael) is beneficial in piles.

Castor’s Effects on Three Doshas

According to Ayurveda, the consumption of castor or eranda helps in balancing Vata and Kapha doshas.

Vata – Eranda alleviates Vata dosha by reducing the dryness and pain in the body. Vata dosha is the major factor contributing to pain in any part of the body.

KaphaEranda is also Kapha shamaka, which means it helps reduce excessive moisture and heaviness in the body, which is caused due to excessive presence of Kapha dosha.

Read more: Uses and Benefits of Cold-Pressed Oils As Per Your Dosha Type

Castor: Precautions & Side Effects

Pregnant and breastfeeding women – There are not many conclusive studies suggesting the effects of eranda on pregnant and breastfeeding women therefore it is advised to consume under the guidance of a medical professional.

Allergic reaction – Individuals who are allergic to eranda should avoid its consumption.
There are no other specific precautions one must take while consuming eranda apart from excess consumption which might imbalance the doshas and have adverse effects.

Who can Benefit from Castor Consumption?

  • Individuals suffering from pain in their flanks.
  • Individuals with rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Individuals with abdominal pain.
  • Individuals with piles.

How to Consume Castor?

Root bark paste – 3g to 6g
Directions Boil the roots until tender, then mash them into a paste. Apply this paste on painful or inflamed areas like joint pain and muscle pain as a remedy.

Root decoction – 50ml to 100ml.
Directions Take 3 -5gm of dried root in 200ml of water until it reduces to half. Strain and consume the decoction. This decoction prepared from the leaves can be used to treat respiratory issues like cough and cold and is sometimes used as a mild laxative.

Leaf powder – 1g to 6g
Directions A paste made from crushed leaves is applied to treat skin ailments such as eczema and boils.

Castor Oil – 20ml to 40ml.
Salad Dressing – You can use castor oil as a part of your salad dressings to make it healthier. Mix castor oil with lemon juice, honey, and herbs like basil or oregano. Add diced cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, onion, and the protein of your choice like a boiled egg.

As a laxative – Mix 1-2 teaspoons of castor oil with a glass of warm fruit juice or water. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning. This will act as a natural laxative.

For Hair & Skin – Castor oil massage promotes hair growth, strengthens hair, and reduces wrinkles due to its nourishing and antioxidant properties.
Directions – Heat a few drops of castor oil and massage it into your hair. Leave it on for at least an hour or overnight and wash it off with a mild shampoo.

Castor oil deeply moisturizes and nourishes the skin, improving texture and reducing dryness. Apply a few drops of castor oil directly to the skin, especially on dry areas, and gently massage in. For the best results, use it before bedtime and leave it on overnight.

About the Author

The Ayurveda Experience

The Ayurveda Experience is a one-stop portal for all things Ayurveda. Get nothing less than safe, natural and effective products made of pure, potent herbs and ingredients in time-tested formulations, based on the 5000-year old Science of Life: Ayurveda.

If you’ve already been using natural skincare, Ayurveda is where you go one step further. Not just simple blends of ingredients, Ayurvedic formulations are based on ancient recipes and theories, with highly specific, targeted ingredients, that are often hundreds or thousands of years old! What better way to prove a formulation’s efficacy than the test of time!?

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Castor: The Ayurvedic Herb for Detox, Pain Relief, and Vitality (2025)


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