Danganronpa: Reincarnated Des-Paradise - Chapter 30 - blazingEmblem (2024)

Chapter Text

*Ding Dong Ding Dong*

Monoghost: Up and at em’, you pack of demons! It is now 7A.M!

Monoghost: Get ready for another heavenly day in our island paradise!

Should I even bother… getting up today?

Every day, things get worse and worse.

I stared at the ceiling for several minutes, wondering if any of this was worth it?

Of course it is. I have to keep going. To Lin’s sake, and everyone else’s.

Slowly, I went through my morning routine before I made my way to the kitchen.

Lin: There you are, Mary!

Richter: Is everything alright? You took a while to wake up.

Mary: O-Oh, I was just really tired. That’s all…

Richter: I understand. Lin just told us everything that happened at the Rest Stop.

Reina: I knew we couldn’t trust that f*cker! We gotta do something about 16!

Narcian: But what exactly can we do? Geist will surely do whatever they can to help him, considering they’re all Ultimate Despairs.

Alec: I just can’t believe he would do something like this…

Diana: W-Well, he mentioned that he didn’t ever intend to harm Lin…

Lin: And you’d believe him?! He was obviously lying!

Diana: I-I suppose that’s possible, but… I just don’t wanna imagine anyone bein’ that awful.

Lin: He’s a part of Ultimate Despair. Of course he’s that awful.

Diana: … Then do you have a plan?

Lin: Huh?

Diana: What do we do then?

Lin: Well, Mary, you heard Monoghost, right? About that hidden USB drive.

Mary: Yes. If we discover that, then we’ll find out about one of the Geist members.

Bill: Well, I think that all of us can agree that’s the best move for now.

Reina: You’re not wrong, but it’s such a pain in the ass. How the hell are we going to find a tiny USB drive here? There’s so much area to cover in this freaky place!

Narcian: It is quite strange, this place.

Mary: I sort of got the impression that it was based on the seven deadly sins. Wrath, pride, envy, lust, greed, sloth and…

And what?

What was the last one?

Richter: Gluttony, yes?

Mary: O-Oh, right, thank you.

How did I forget that? I should know that by heart…

Lin: It is a pretty messed up place. A place only an Ultimate Despair could make.

Richter: Speaking of, Geist members will be on the lockout for that USB as well. So we can’t afford not to look for it…

Raven: That’s true. If they find it first, then we’ll never find out what’s on it.

Alec: Maybe we could travel in groups or something?

Narcian: The problem is, if we do that, we’ll be covering less ground.

Diana: W-Well, the hotel is pretty large. Maybe I could go there with a couple other people.

Bill: That sounds like a plan! I think I’ll head over there too!

Lin: I did let Juana know last night about this. She should be searching the hotel area too.

Juana: Uuuuuh, about that…

Everyone looked up, seeing Juana at the door.

Reina: Tch… the hell are you doing here?

Juana: S-Sorry, but Monoghost wants us to go back to the pod room.

Bill: Again? But last time he didn’t give us any memories back!

Mary: So it was the same for you?

Richter: It seems that it was the same for all of us. I didn’t feel like I had new memories.

Diana: W-Well, maybe this time will be different? Or maybe he just didn’t want to give us too many at once.

Lin: Then why even give us any. I don’t like this. Not at all.

Diana: But… there’s nothing we can do, right?

Monoghost: Nope! Not at all! Now be good little demons and get into your pods.

Nothing we can do about it, I suppose…

I got into the pod once again, but this time, I didn’t expect much of anything to happen.

I closed my eyes, and…

Once again, there was nothing…

So what was the point?

Why even bother?

I exited the pod, annoyed that, once again, I seemed to be the last one to wake up.

Mary: Everyone must be looking out for that USB. I suppose I should keep a lookout as well.

I exited the airship, searching around for others before spotting Alec near the airstrip.

Alec: Oh, hello Mary!

Mary: Hello, Alec. Have you been searching for that drive?

Alec: Yup! I’ve got this area covered, so don’t worry!

For a moment, I stared off into the distance, glancing out to the ocean.

Alec: I looked out the window before we got here! There were wild whirlpools all around!

Mary: I suppose that shouldn’t be too surprising…

Alec: Ah! Wait, what if a big wave or a whirlpool swallows up the island! What do we do?!

Mary: Well… hopefully the airship can also function as a regular ship. Although, finding land might be tricky…

Alec: Oh! Maybe we could send a bird off to find land! If it returned, we’d have it lead us! It’s like that one story! With the arc!

Mary: With the arc… oh, right, that’s…

I paused for a moment.

It was so strange.

Alec: Eh? Do you remember it, Mary?

I did remember it!

I SHOULD remember it!

But, for whatever reason… when I tried to access that memory that I should have, it just wasn’t there.

It was like reaching out for water in the desert, only for it to disappear before your eyes, as if it was never there at all.

But it was there before! So where did it…

Alec: Oh, I remember now! It was Noah’s Arc!

Mary: Right… yeah, that’s it.

Noah’s Arc…

It was such a famous biblical story, that even children or people of different faiths knew about it.

So how could I have possibly…

Alec: Well, that’s probably pretty unlikely. I don’t think the Geist members would want something like that, so they probably planned for it. Anyway, I’ve gotta get back to searching. See ya, Mary!”

I suppose I should get to searching myself, although maybe I could ask the others if they’re having trouble remembering things.

I could ask C, but I doubt she’d have any answers.

Right. She hasn’t even said anything since this morning.

I really wasn’t sure what to make of C at this point.

I wasn’t even sure I wanted to think of C at this point, considering she could hear everything I said or thought.

For now, I should just focus on finding that USB drive like everyone else… and maybe talk to the others as well.


As I made my way through the islands, I saw Richter around the prison area. Lin was nearby, thinking to herself.

Mary: Any luck, you two.

Richter: I’m afraid not. I haven’t found anything. Perhaps if you were to help us, right might find something?

Hmm… Should I spend some time with Richter?


Richter: Wonderful. Thank you for your assistance.

Mary: Oh, it’s no trouble at all.

I helped Richter look around the prison area for the USB, although we had little luck.

I think we grew a little closer.

Mary: Say, Richter?

Richter: Yes?

Mary: Could you perhaps tell me a bit more about the process of being a mortician?

Richter: The process? You mean, preparing the body for the funeral?

Mary: Yes, that’s right.

Richter: Hmm… Well, depending on the state of the cadaver, things differ. However, I can give you a general rundown on the process, assuming the body is in decent condition.

Mary: Decent condition?

Richter: Like, if they died of natural causes, and not something like an accident that might… damage the body.

Mary: Ah, yes…

It’s pretty gruesome to think about the condition some bodies might come in, but I suppose that’s part of the job…

Richter: That is why the body is in especially bad condition, I recommended a closed casket funeral. Anyway, the first part of the process is the embalming process.

Mary: Embalming… I see.

Richter: It’s not very… pretty, so let me know if I should stop.

Mary: Understood.

Richter: Before the embalming begins, the body is washed in a solution of disinfectant, and the limbs are moved and rubbed to relive the effects of rigor mortis. Facial hair may be shaved off at this point, unless of course the deceased typically wore facial hair, or the family insists we do not.

Mary: That makes sense.

Richter: Ah, we also close the eyes and mouth. The eyes are simple, as we just use a special glue, or flesh-colored pads to secure the position of the eyelids. Then we must wire or sew the mouth shut. This can be done by trying a string through the nostrils, gums and jaw, or injecting wire into the jaws with a needle. From there, the mouth is easily manipulated into being closed.

Mary: I… see.

A little disturbing, but nothing too bad. Maybe Richter was just being cautious with that warning.

Richter: Then we drain the body of all of its blood and inject a solution into the arteries. This solution can make the body’s skin tone look more life-like.
A… bit more disturbing, but nothing I couldn’t handle.

Richter: Then, a small surgical cut is made, and we insert a device called a trocar into the cut that is used to drain all of the fluids and gas from the body’s organs. Then more chemical solutions are inserted into the body, and the cut is then closed.

O-Oh dear. I think I feel a little queasy.

Richter: Kehehehe… You’re looking a little pale. Perhaps we ought to insert some solutions into you.

Mary: T-That’s not funny!

And he’s quite pale himself!

Richter: Kehehe… my apologies. In any case, after that is finished, the body is dressed in clothing provided by the family, and makeup can be applied to make them look healthier and lifelike.

More lifelike, huh?

Mary: It seems strange, but maybe it makes them seem more at peace.

Richter: That may very well be the case. It certainly seems to set the family at ease a bit to see the body at peace.

Mary: I see. There was certainly a lot more… surgical procedures than I’d thought there would be. Although because of that, I’m sure your grandfather had an easy time adjusting.

Richter: Hmm?

Mary: You mentioned that he was a doctor before, right? Oh, but I suppose it was a little presumptuous to assume that he was involved with surgery.

Richter: No, he was a surgeon, but… Well, to be honest, while he did leave the hospital of his own volition, it was very likely he would have been fired soon anyway…

Mary: Really? Why is that?

Richter: He told me that he had committed the most grievous sin a doctor can commit. He… killed one of his own patients.

Mary: W-WHAT?!

Richter: It is… a long, troubling tale. Perhaps I could tell it to you another time.

Mary: Richter… If it’s too painful, you don’t have to tell me.

Richter: … That is alright. I’m actually rather curious as to what you would think of that story.

Curious what I think?

Richter: I do enjoy speaking to you., Mary. Let’s finish this conversation next time, shall we?

He said that his grandfather killed a patient, but I have a feeling that it’s more complex than that…

I think I understand Richter a little better now.

I continued walking through the islands, eventually winding up back at the hotel.

Juana: Ugh… Where the heck is this thing?

Mary: Juana?

Juana: O-Oh, hey Mary. H-How’s it going?

Mary: …

Juana: R-Right, stupid question, h-huh?

Mary: Any progress on finding the USB drive?

Juana: Ah, no… There’s a lot of little rooms in this hotel, and I have to search each and every one from top to bottom.

Mary: Well, I could help you.

Juana: Oh, well, alright then. A-Are you sure?

Hmm… Should I spend some time with Juana?


Juana: I-I don’t know why y-you want to spend time with me, but I guess it’s fine.

I spent some time walking around the hotel with Juana, searching for the USB drive.

I think we got a little closer.

Juana: Mary… Is there a reason you’re spending so much time with me?

Mary: Well, there’s something that I’m curious about. I was hoping you could answer a question I had.

Juana: W-What’s your question?

Mary: Well, there’s a few, actually. I heard that Japan has its own style of kickboxing.

Juana: That’s true. It sorta started as a combined martial art. The two things it mixed were… oh, what was it again…

Hmm… the two that it mixed… what could it be?

Muay Thai and Kyokushin/Judo and Aikido/Taekwondo and Hapkido

Solution: Muay Thai and Kyokushin

Mary: It’s… Muay Thai and Kyokushin, right?

Juana: O-Oh… now that you mention it, I think that was it. It took mostly rules from Muay Thai, and Kyokushin is a form of karate that allows the use of kicking.

Mary: Do you do a lot of studying for various martial arts?

Juana: Y-Yeah. My master would have me read up on other forms of martial arts all the time, just so that I would be prepared for any fighter out there. At first, I found it to be boring and pointless. But when I realized that I could apply that knowledge to a fight, I became a lot more interested.

I suppose in some way, professional fights can seem like a battle of wits as well…

Mary: I think I’m starting to understand, but there’s still something that I’m not sure about. Considering all of the work you put into this…

Juana: What?

Mary: It’s just that you mentioned before that you hate your own talent. I was curious as to why that was.

Juana let out a loud sigh.

Juana: I wasn’t always like that. Back when I was training with my master, I loved fighting. I loved competing. For a while, it felt like I had a purpose.

So, she wasn’t always so averse to violence.

Mary: I suppose that makes sense. You would have never even discovered your talent if you always felt that way about your talent.

Juana: Yeah. I just… I hate fighting. I hate hurting other people. I hate the feeling of the impact my foot makes with someone’s body. I hate the feeling of breaking someone’s bones.

Mary: I understand that. But what exactly changed to make you feel like that?

Juana: … I was during a street fight. I always used to love to compete in those too.

Mary: Who were you fighting?

Juana: It was… my master.

Mary: Really? So it was a spar?

Juana: More than a spar, actually. My master wanted to have a true match between the two of us. I think… that he was getting a little self-conscious about his age. He wanted to prove that he was still fully capable.

Mary: Oh dear… just how old was he?

Juana: Way too old to be getting into serious fights. That’s what the doctors told him, but he was so stubborn about wanting to continue kickboxing. So he challenged me to a match, to show that he was still as strong as he always was.

Mary: What happened then?

Juana: I… had a lot of respect for my master. If he said that he was still in top condition, I believed him 100%. So when he asked for a match, I took him completely seriously, and went all out.

Mary: …Juana.

I didn't like where this story was heading…

Juana: Everything was fine at first. He really looked like everything was fine. B-But then… I hit him. I hit him really, really hard, thinking that he could take it. He… He fell down, and he didn’t get back up.

Mary: Oh, Juana…

Juana: After that… his career was over. At his age, a fall like that was devastating. He managed to pull through, but… he was never the same.

Mary: Juana, what happened wasn’t your fault.

Juana: What do you mean, it wasn’t my fault?! I was the one who punched him! It’s entirely my fault!

Mary: But as far as you knew, your master was as healthy as could be! You had no idea what would happen.

Juana: Even so… It doesn’t change that I was the one who basically ended his career. But I think the worst part is what he said to me when I visited him in the hospital.

Mary: Did he resent you over what happened?

Juana: Maybe it would have been better if he did. But instead, he… congratulated me.

Mary: But isn’t that good?

Juana: How is that good?! I had hurt him so badly, but he still congratulated me. It would have- should have been no different than some street punk beating him up!

Mary: I see. At his age…?

Juana: Any random punk could have taken him out if they snuck up on him. So what I did wasn’t anything worth celebrating! Even if it was an official match, it wasn’t anything to be proud of!

Mary: That was the moment, then. The moment that you began to hate your talent.

Juana: It was. There are so many people… Many of our classmates even, that have amazing talents that can help others. Help the world. Including you, Mary. But me? I’m not like that.

So that’s what it comes down to…

Juana: The only thing I can do… is hurt people. I can’t help or save people. I can only harm.

I don’t even know what to say…

I wish I knew the right words to comfort her, but I wasn’t sure if anything I could say would be enough.

Mary: I-I-

Juana: It’s ok. You don’t have to say anything… It’s still nice to talk to others about it, though…

She’s certainly been through a lot. No wonder she’s the way she is.

I think I understand Juana a little better now.

I continued checking out the hotel, looking for the drive. Around the lobby, I saw controls for turning the fireplace on and off, as well as a bookcase with all kinds of different books, arranged alphabetically. Most of them were very… explicit in nature, but they also had a few bilingual dictionaries. Ones for Spanish-to-English, French-to-English, Japanese-to-English…

Monoghost: Phuhuhu… you’d be surprised, but sometimes, travelers on a budget like to stay overnight in these places. Cheaper than a regular hotel, normally.

Mary: I see.

I suppose that makes sense. The dictionaries might be helpful for tourists that didn’t know certain English phrases.

Except… they were certainly useless for us.

As I made it to the top floor of the hotel, I noticed one of the doors was a different color than the others.

Or rather, you could say it wasn’t colored at all.

Mary: I must have glossed over that…

I entered the room but found it completely bare. There wasn’t any furniture inside, and the walls were completely white.

It seemed like the type of place to hide the USB drive, but I didn’t see it anywhere.

Monoghost: Boo!

Mary: …

Monoghost: W-What?! No reaction?!

Mary: … Please go away.

Monoghost: Rude! I was going to tell you all about this room!

Monoghost cleared his throat before speaking.

… Would clearing his throat even matter? He’s a robot.

Monoghost: As you can see, I haven’t finished preparing all the rooms here. You demons are just so efficient at killing each other, I didn’t have enough time to prepare this!

Mary: I don’t believe you.

Monoghost: Ugh, you’re no fun. Other participants always rise to my bait.

Mary: So what’s with this room, really?

Monoghost: Nothing, really. I was trying to figure out what to do with this room. Maybe give it a unique theme. Just kept putting it off really.

Mary: I see… I thought there would be some deeper meaning.

Monoghost: Nope! Afraid not! Although now that you’ve reminded me about that, I should probably at least get the walls and door painted. I’ll get my clones to do it!

Mary: Alright then… If there’s really nothing here, I suppose I’ll be going.

I was actually surprised. Normally I dreaded having conversations with Monoghost, but this one was, for the most part, perfectly fine.

Monoghost: Hoooooold on a second.

Never mind…

Monoghost: Do you really think I’m so bored, that I’m so unoccupied with important matters, that I would be able and willing to take time out of my day for the sole purpose of bothering you?

Mary: … I don’t think you want me to answer that question honestly.

Monoghost: W-What?! Grrr… Look, I know that I might be just a litttttttle overshadowed by the Geist members, but I’m still important, damn it! I’m not some worthless mascot character thrown in just to be turned into marketable plushies, you know!

Mary: Didn’t you have a merchandise shop-

Monoghost: Shut up! You’re lucky you’re so cute, otherwise I’d have a mind to claw you to pieces!

Mary: T-Thank you…?

Monoghost: If you want to thank me, then remember to get your butt over to the Rest Stop at 9PM! I have an announcement to make at that time.

He sank into the floor, with the unspoken threat of punishment if I chose to disobey him.

9PM is awfully late.

Bill: Always brings down the mood, don’t he?

Mary: He does… Are you searching the hotel too, Bill?

Bill: That I was! But I was also lookin’ for you and the others.

Mary: What for?

Bill: We were thinkin’ of shootin’ off some fireworks down near the ship..

Mary: Fireworks? Where did you find those?

Bill: Well, to be honest, it was Hugh. He grabbed some fireworks and some sweets at the casino for some coins.

Mary: Hmm…

Bill: I know that you guys ain’t that trustin’ of Hugh, but I really do think he’s trying his best to do well by us. It’s just that, as a Geist member…

Mary: I want to believe in that too, Bill. But at the same time, I can’t help but be concerned, especially with…

Bill: Yeah, I was shocked when I found out that 16 had attacked Lin. I just… I don’t if we can really negotiate with all of these Ultimate Despairs. Some of them, sure, but…

Mary: Sorry, I’m bringing down the mood myself. I’ll be sure to be there.

Bill: Thank ya, Mary! We can always count on you to keep your cool.

I’m not so sure about that. Especially nowadays…

Bill: I’ll see you then!

Bill walked away then, leaving me to myself.

I continued to explore, looking in a couple more rooms in the hotel, and then moving on to the other areas.

I went to the diner, going through all the drawers and containers…

I went to the casino, searching all of the games and tables…

I went to the torture chamber, glancing over the weapons, the cell, the moving cardboard box, the equipment…

Mary: Wait a minute.

I lifted the cardboard box, finding 16 hiding underneath.

16: Gah! How did you… oh. It’s just you, Mary.

Mary: 16…

I unceremoniously dropped the cardboard box.

16: Ow…

Mary: …

There are weapons all around. I need to be careful.

16: If you’re wondering what I’m doing, I’ve been hiding from Hugh. No matter where I go, he always follows me around, asking again and again that I join Geist.

Mary: How…

16: Hmm?

Mary: How can you just stand there and act like nothing happened?! You threatened to kill Lin!

16: I know. I’m sorry that I didn’t stop that from happening… There just wasn’t a better way of getting information.

Mary: I just don’t understand you! One second you’re threatening to kill people, and the next you’re hiding in cardboard boxes! One moment you act like our ally, talking about working together, and then you get revealed as a member of Phantom!

None of it seemed to make any sense to me. No matter how much I dwelled on it, 16’s behavior made no sense.

It was like he had multiple personalities. Maybe the air of calm politeness he put on was fake? Maybe he really didn’t mean to threaten Lin? I just don’t understand! Who is the real 16?

16: Ah, Mary-

Mary: I… need some time to think.

As I began to leave, however…

16: It wasn’t my idea.

I turned back, narrowing my eyes.

Mary: What do you mean?

16: Exactly what I said. I wasn’t the one who came up with that plan.

Mary: Then who was?

16: That… I can’t tell you.

Mary: You… You’re just trying to get me to distrust others.

16: If I was trying to do that, then I would have named one of the others to make you suspicious of them.

Mary: So what are you doing, then? Passing the blame?

16: No, I was still willing to go through with the act, so I still bear part of the blame.

Mary: … I don’t know if I can believe that. Surely you understand how suspicious it is when you can’t even give me a name.

16: Yes, I know. But I want you to understand a few things.

Mary: Like?

16: You may find this hard to believe, but I’ve actually told very few lies to you guys.

Mary: …

He’s right. I don’t believe that.

16: I did lie about the amnesia, I’ll give you that. But most of the time, I don’t lie.

Mary: No, but you omit information and allow us to run with incorrect assumptions.

16: I suppose. But at the same time, I haven’t lied to you about my identity, or about my current goals.

Mary: Tell me who you’re looking for.

16: … The key.

Mary: Huh?

16 glanced around, and then, before I could react, 16 wrapped his arm around me, stopping me from moving, and whispered into my ear.

16: Get Lin to open the door to that one hotel room discreetly. Then meet me there at night. I’ll whisper it to you then.

He lingered for just a moment before releasing me.

Mary: W-Warn me next time!

16: Sorry. I couldn’t let anyone…

He motioned his head towards the camera in the room.

I see.

16: Yeah… that was… that was why…

Mary: You could whisper it to me here.

16: No, the location I told you would work best. The chances of being disturbed there are minimal.

Mary: … And you won’t tell me unless I meet you there. Alone, I presume?

16: I’m sorry…

This could easily turn out to be a trap, but what choice did I have?!

For a moment, I expected C to interject, but once again, she stayed silent.

Mary: I’ll consider it.

16: That’s all I can ask.

I walked off, heading towards the fireworks show down by the ship.

Right. Fireworks. That will be a nice change of pace…

But does it even matter, in the end?

I shook my head. I shouldn’t think like that.

When I arrived, I was surprised to see that everyone was there, except for 16.

Richter: Ah, there you are Mary.

Lin: Mary! Hi! I’m glad you came!

Mary: I’m glad I came too, but… about Hugh…

Juana: Lin thought it would be better to keep him in sight, you know?

Mary: I see. I can understand that. So 16 is the only one who didn’t come?

Richter: That would seem to be the case. It won’t be for long, but it is a little concerning that he’s the only one searching for the USB right now.

Reina: NOT TRUE!

I glanced over, seeing Reina combing through the area.

Reina: I’m looking everywhere I can, ok! While looking at the fireworks! I’m multitasking!

Mary: I see…

Diana: Hello, Mary. Would ya… you like to have a popsicle?

Mary: Oh, that sounds nice.

Lin: Careful Mary. It was Hugh that brought them over.

Mary: Oh… I see.

Reina: Yeah, I wouldn’t eat them.

Diana: Oh, w-well I’ve tried em’, and they seem fine…

Narcian: Hey, Hugh! Are you sure you just spent your money on the fireworks and sweets?

Hugh: For the hundredth time, Junior, that’s all I bought.

Alec: Yeah, come on, Narcy! Just relax.

Hugh: Well, actually…

Narcian: Aha! I knew it!

Bill: Ah, simmer down, Narcian! It’s just a cardboard cutout.

Narcian: A cardboard cutout…?

Hugh: Yeah, I’ll go and grab it in a few minutes.

Before he did that, though, I saw him walking over to Raven, who was sulking over in a corner.

Hugh: Out of the pod, huh?

Raven: Monoghost appeared in my fantasy, telling me that I would have to get out in a few hours cause he had an announcement.

Hugh: So you’ve… been in there all day.

The entire day?!

Raven: Why wouldn’t I be? Why would I want to be out here…

Hugh: Right, of course, but…

Bill: Ain’t it dangerous to spend so long in that thing? Can ya even tell that time is passin’ in that thing?

Raven: No, I can’t. I couldn’t tell I was hungry either…

Mary: Have you eaten anything, Raven?

Raven: … Oh. Mary. Hello.

She must be a little out of it…

Mary: Soooo… breakfast?

Raven: … Sounds nice.

That’s not what I was asking!

Raven: You find that USB or whatever?

Mary: Not quite. I found some strange things in the hotel, like some Spanish-To-English, French-to-English, and other bilingual dictionaries. Then there was this empty room that Monoghost was still painting.

Bill: Well, that’s interestin’, but not all that helpful. Gettin’ back on track, though, those fantasy machines do seem a little dangerous. Don’t the rest of y’all think so?

Richter: Hmm… if you can’t tell when you’re hungry or how much time passes, then perhaps it would be best not to use those machines.

Diana: Y-Yeah. I mean… Y-You could die of hunger or thirst in there.

Reina: Not with that damn bear calling for us all the time.

Narcian: Still, it can’t be healthy…

Reina: Yeah, and I guess that it would make you… well, an easy target.

Juana: D-Don’t say that!

Lin: Regardless, you shouldn’t have gone to that machine in the first place.

Raven: … Why not?

Lin: Isn’t it obvious? I told you to go and look for that USB drive, and here you are, telling me that you were slacking off the entire time!

Raven: I-I wasn’t…

Lin: Yes, you were! You’ve spent the entire time here instead of searching for that drive!

Raven: … So what?

Lin: Wha- What do you mean, “So what?”?!

Alec: Yeah! This USB’s got some valuable data on it! It’s a big deal!

Raven: Say we find that drive and we find out who the 2nd Geist member is. What then?

Lin: Well, we-

Raven: Nothing. You can’t kill them, and locking them up won’t work either. Just… accept that it’s just hopeless. There’s no way we can beat Geist.

Bill: Raven! You can’t just give up!

Mary: T-That’s right! Raven, please keep fighting…

Raven: I’m tired of fighting. This is the only happy thing left… And you’re trying to take it away from me.

Lin: … Fine then. Do what you want. But I’m making a new rule. If anyone’s out of the airship after 10PM without permission, then we’ll consider them to be a Giest member.

Alec: W-What?! Really?

Narcian: Why is that? Wouldn’t we want to search at night?

Lin: Nighttime here starts at 10PM. Being out past that is just asking for trouble.

I suppose making sure that no one leaves their rooms after 10PM is good, but to consider them Geist if they did seemed… harsh. I’m just not sure about that…

Diana: H-Hey, everyone, why don’t we just relax and get ready for the fireworks?

Bill: Yeah, exactly. Say, Hugh, why don’t you bring those out?

Hugh: Hang on, I’ll bring out the cutout first.

Much to everyone’s confusion, Hugh walked over and placed down a cardboard cutout of Monoghost.

Reina: The hell did you bring that for?!

Richter: Don’t you think that a cutout of Monoghost is a little… in poor taste?

Lin: Seriously?! Of all things, that’s what you brought?!

Hugh: I figured that you guys would appreciate a little target practice, you know? What do you say?

Narcian: Hold on! How do we know that this isn’t some kind of trick!

Hugh: Hahaha. Well, if you’re so paranoid, why don’t I go first?

Hugh backed up several feet from the cutout, picked up a rock, and threw it, hitting the Monoghost right in the head.

Hugh: See? Nothing to it!

Narcian: Fine then! Let me take a shot at it!

Narcian grabbed another rock and stood right next to Hugh.

Alec: Good luck, Narcy!

Reina: Ugh… this is stupid.

Narcian: If you’re able to get a bull’s eye that easily, then I, Narcian Prince, should have no trouble!

Narcian picked up another rock and chucked it as hard as he could at the cutout…

… And missed entirely.

Narcian: Tch!

Alec: Ahaha! Come on, Narcy! What was that?

Hugh: You warming up or something?

Narcian: Quiet! I was very close, you know! It was probably just the wind that caused me to miss.

He missed it by a very large margin, but it would be very rude to say that…

Lin: I dunno, from what I could see, you did really well.

Narcian: Thank you! Finally, someone is able to see my… wait a moment.

Lin started to giggle to herself as Narcian realized what she said.

Narcian: W-Why would you joke like that?! Come on!

Narcian’s outburst only seemed to make the others laugh even longer.

Alec: Ahahaha! Come on, Narcy, just chill out!

Hugh: It is kinda funny.

Juana: Hmm… let me give it a try.

Juana went to the same place Hugh and Narcian stood… and then stepped several feet back.

And then… several more feet back.

Mary: J-Juana, you’re going to stand that far back?!

Juana: Yeah. It wouldn’t be a challenge, otherwise.

Juana had to be standing back at least 70 feet from the target. Slightly farther than a pitcher would be standing from home base in a game of baseball.

Juana took a deep breath and threw a stone with all of her might.

The stone flew through the air, slamming into the head of the Monoghost cutout and even snapping it clean off.

Mary: I-Incredible…

Richter: It seems… like Juana has won.

Bill: Yeah, I don’t think any of us are beatin’ that.

Hugh: Well, let’s get started on those fireworks, then.

Hugh brought out and carefully prepared the fireworks, stepping away right as they began to shoot up into the sky.

Diana: Wow! It looks amazin’!

Bill: It sure does! Can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a fireworks show!

Reina: I’m just surprised Monoghost didn’t just make all the fireworks explode into images of his head or something.

As the fireworks show began, I sat down near Lin, intending to question her about the key.

Mary: Say, Lin?

Lin: Yes, Mary?

Mary: About that key you have… Were you planning on using it?

Lin: Oh, that? I’m not sure. Knowing Monoghost, there might be some sort of trap in that room.

Mary: Possibly. But it’s also the most likely location of that USB drive.

Lin: That’s what I was thinking too. I’ll think about it.

Hmm… if she doesn’t do it today, then I wouldn’t be able to meet with 16. I suppose we could just reschedule, though…

With nothing else to do, I sat down next to Lin, watching the fireworks exploding into the sky.

Lin: Hey, Mary? Could you… describe how the fireworks look.

Mary: Oh, sure. Most of them… are pretty standard shapes.

Lin: Mmm… And what shapes are those?

Mary: Oh, um… well, it’s like a miniature comet rising into the sky, and then exploding into countless falling sparks.

Lin: I see. That sounds nice…

Mary: Oh! That one exploded into a heart.

Lin: A… heart?

Mary: Yes. It looks very pretty.

Lin: …

Richter: Lin?

Lin: Ah, Richter? Could you and Juana step away for a minute?

Richter: … Ah. I see. Of course.

Juana: Eh? What, is something going on?

Richter: Keheheh… Never you mind, just come with me.

Juana: Gah! Hey, don’t pull!

Richter dragged Juana off, leaving just me and Lin.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Hugh calling Bill over.

Hugh: Hey Bill, you mind taking over for me?

Bill: Yeah, sure thing. Say… maybe you can convince Raven not to spend all day in that thing. She just ain’t listenin’ to me.

Hugh: Yeah. I’ll try.

As Bill took over, I saw Hugh approaching Raven, sitting down next to her.

Hugh: Hey.

Raven: Hello…

Hugh: Nice show, isn’t it?

Raven: It is… but I don’t really like firework shows.

Hugh: Seriously?

Raven: Birds and other animals start freaking out and panicking at the bright lights and loud noises. Babies fall out of nests, adults abandon their young out of fear, their heart rate and body temperature increase, they crash into things because they can’t see well at night, the smoke is bad for their very sensitive respiratory systems, they might fly too far out to sea without the energy to make it back, they-

Hugh: Right… sh*t, I-I’m sorry. I didn’t think about any of that.

Raven: That’s ok. There aren’t a lot of birds here.

Hugh: Oh. That’s, uh…

Raven: There are a lot of birds in my fantasy. My… family is there too.

Hugh: Can you… at least promise me not to spend too much time there? I- We’re all worried about you.

Raven: I… I don’t know. Outside of that machine, there’s so much… suffering and misery.

Hugh: Are you suffering right now?

Raven: No, but-

Hugh: Then, at the very least, can you try to enjoy this moment?

Raven: … I’ll try.

Those two… seem awfully close.

Lin: … U-Um, Mary?

Mary: H-Huh?

Lin: Um…

Mary: Was there something else?

Lin: Y-Yeah. There’s something that I have to confess to you.

Mary: Really? What is that?

Lin suddenly looked very nervous, a shy smile playing at her lips.

Lin: It’s… It’s just that… just that I…

Mary: What is it, Lin? You know that you can tell me everything.

Lin: Y-Yeah. I know. That’s why… I have to tell you… that I lo-


Alec: WOAH! That was a huge one!

A large firework exploded in the sky, giving off the loudest noise of them all, causing Lin to jump in surprise.

Mary: Goodness, that one was loud!

Lin: Ahh…

Mary: There was something you wanted to say, Lin?

Lin: N-Never mind. I’ll tell you another time…

It looks like she might have lost her nerve. Well, I wouldn’t want to rush her.

Mary: Oh, well alright.

The fireworks continued on for quite a while. The fireworks would go off and I would describe how they looked for Lin. It was… peaceful. For just a moment, we all seemed like a group of old friends meeting up again.

It was such a nice moment, one I wished could go on even longer.

… But even so, for some reason, there was a part of me that felt out of place.

Suddenly, another firework rose into the sky.

Bill: Huh. That’s strange. I didn’t fire off that one.

Narcian: Then who did?

The fireworks exploded into the sky, the result forming the shape of…

Reina: Should’ve frickin’ known!

A creepily smiling Monoghost appeared in the sky, putting all of us immediately on guard.

Monoghost: AHAHAHAHAHA! Look at all of your demon faces!

Narcian: Monoghost! So that’s where you are!

Monoghost: That’s right! I’m here, in the flesh! Well… actually, I’m just here in spirit. Well, double actually, I’m not metaphorically here in spirit, I’m literally here in spirit, because I’m a-

Lin: How many times do I have to tell you to shut up?!

Mary: What are you doing here?

Monoghost: Did you demons already forget? I told you all to meet me at the Rest Stop at 9PM! It’s 8:30PM right now, but I don’t see anyone bringing up our little meeting!

Reina: Screw off, we’re busy!

Monoghost: Oh really? Too busy to hear about your next motive.

In an instant, my body began to tense up.

All this, and a motive as well? We were already under so much stress…

Hugh: Guess we’ve got no choice then.

Alec: Yeah…

Juana: Oh, what could it possibly be this time?!

Raven: Ha, of course. You couldn’t have us being happy for even a moment, huh?

Monoghost: I’m sure you all would love to hear it, so I’ll wait for you at the Rest Stop. And you’d BETTER be there.

Monoghost sank into the ground once again.

Hugh: Guess we’ve still got some leftover popsicles. I think I saw a glass container in the meat locker. I’ll go and store the leftovers there…

After Hugh left, the others wordlessly made their way to the Rest Stop.

It was like we couldn’t even manage a single word of protest anymore…

Alec: H-Hey, Mary.

While the others had already left for the Rest Shop, Alec had stayed behind.

Alec: I overheard you talking to Mary about the key. If you… want that door opened, then…

Alec pulled out something from their pocket, and to my surprise, it was another key!

Mary: Alec, where did you…?

Alec: Ehehehe… I actually managed to get enough coins to get it! Pretty lucky, huh?

Mary: But you went through all this trouble to get it. Are you sure you’re alright giving it to me?

Alec: Don’t worry about it! I… I know that Monoghost said that I’d see who I desire most, but… I’m afraid of facing them. I don’t know if I can do it.

To be honest, while a part of me was curious who my “most desired person” would be, I also was a little afraid to face them myself.

Still, I needed the information that 16 could give, so I took the key from Alec.

Mary: Thank you. I still have some time, so I think I’ll check what’s inside.

Alec: Gotcha! I’ll see you at the Rest Shop then!

As Alec walked off, I made my way back to the hotel, already knowing the exact door to enter.

I took a deep breath, steadying myself before inserting the key into the door…

Only to find an ordinary hotel room on the other side.

I didn’t look all the different from the other hotel room that Lin and I had seen, although it did have a balcony.

I checked it out, and nothing about it looked out of place. Aside from being the only window and balcony in the entire hotel, there was nothing off about it. Glancing down the balcony, all I saw was an open dumpster behind the hotel.

I still had some time before the meeting, so I tried to look the room over as thoroughly as I could. But no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find the USB drive.

Mary: Could it really not be here?

As much as I wanted to look it over again, Monoghost would be very angry if I kept him waiting, so I left the hotel, finally making my way back to the Rest Stop.

Monoghost: There we are! That’s everyone! Now then, I know that you all must be veeeeery curious about what the motive could be, but wouldn’t you all like to spend a little bit more time back at the pods in the airship first?

Lin: Would you stop screwing around! Just tell us the motive already!

16: With this suit on, I can’t even benefit from those pods. So of course I’d rather hear about the motive.

Monoghost: Aww, come on, really? Aren’t memories super important to you guys!

Raven: … Of course they are. But…

Reina: The last couple of times we were in those pods, nothing even happened!

Monoghost: Eh? Nothing happened! Don’t be silly! A lot happened regarding your memories the last couple of times!

Bill: That can’t be! You must have made a mistake!

Alec: That’s right! I didn’t feel any memories coming back the last couple of times!

Mary: I know you said you shouldn’t bring back too many memories at once, but it felt like you barely brought back any at all, but the last few times… Well, I can’t tell the difference.

Monoghost: Ah. I see the problem. It appears that there’s been a miscommunication.

Juana: A… miscommunication?

Monoghost: That’s right. You see, the last two times the pods were used, they didn’t restore any of your memories… put took them away instead.

Mary: W-What?!

He… took away our memories?! Even more than before.

Bill: W-What the hell?! You’re taking them away!

Lin: You said you were going to do something about our memory loss!

Monoghost: And I did do something! I made it worse! Phuhuhu!

Reina: You bastard! Give us back the memories, right now!

I thought that something was strange, but dismissed it as me being stressed. This… is far worse.

Monoghost: No can do! In fact, I might take away more tomorrow!

Diana: Why would ya do somethin’...ah, something like that?!

Richter: … That’s the motive, isn’t it?

Monoghost: Got it in one, Mummy-Man! The third motive has to do with your memories. Every day, first thing in the morning, I’ll be taking away even more of your memories.

Reina: Hell no! There’s no way I’m gonna step into that pod again!

Monoghost: Fine. But if you refuse to do as I say… then I’ll kill you.

Reina: Eeek! That’s a little extreme, don’t you think?

Monoghost’s glare grew sharper.

Reina: O-Ok, ok, ok, ok! M-Maybe just one more time.

Monoghost: We’ll keep doing this over and over and over until you’re just mindless husks!

Out of the corner of my eye, however, I saw Narcian staring at the bracelet on his hand. His expression almost seemed… remorseful.

It was completely at odds with how he normally looked.

Narcian: Will we… truly forget everything?

Monoghost: Everything! Who knows what memories you could lose tomorrow? It could be a good friend or a special someone.

Alec: …

Narcian: …

Monoghost: It could be your mother, or your father, or your siblings, or anyone in your family.

Raven: …

Monoghost: It might not even be people. It could be… your talent!

Bill: What?! What do you mean by our talent?!

Monoghost: Well, it’s not like you knew you were talented from birth, riiiiiight? You could forget everything relating to your talent. The first time you learned about it, the time you were declared an Ultimate, and everything else!

Bill: T-That’s… That’s absurd! How could you do somethin’ like this?!

Monoghost: Ahahaha, don’t just blame me! It was the Geist members that came up with all these motives.

Raven: Hugh…

Hugh: The motives were pretty much all established when I joined, but I know that’s not really a defense…

Monoghost: Phuhuhu! Don’t worry though! As soon as another body is discovered, I’ll restore all the memories that I’ve taken since we arrived at this island!

Juana: Urgh! You’re so cruel! What’s even the point to all of this?!

Monoghost: Now, now, don’t be like that! I’m not a monster or anything. You could always hook yourselves up to the machines here to enter your fantasies! Better do it quickly before you forget all about the people inside of it! AHAHAHAHA!

16: Just go away you pest!

Monoghost: Aha, I bet you’d like me to forget about you, huh? I know that those pods won’t do anything to you! That’s why if you try to tell these people anything about the memories I’ve taken away, I’ll kill you!

That way, even 16 is affected, albeit indirectly…

16: Does that only apply to the memories that were taken since we arrived here?

Monoghost: … Yes. Just those memories? Why, do you know anything else?

16: The state of the outside world, mostly.

Monoghost: Tch… well, just make sure you’re careful.

Monoghost sank into the floor, once again leaving us to deal with the motive.

Juana: Forget… everything. We’ve going to forget everything…

Lin: G-Guys, everything’s going to… going to…

Lin’s words trailed off. Not even she was sure what to say anymore…

Narcian: I… made a promise to Nona. But how… how am I supposed to honor that promise if I can’t even remember her?!

Narcian… I thought that he had been holding himself together pretty well after the trial, but he must have been forcing it.

Lin: C-Calm down… it’s all… it’s all… going to be ok and-

Raven: Is that… all you know how to say? And you’re supposed to be the Ultimate Hope?

Lin: S-Shut up! Haven’t I gotten enough sh*t already?!

Raven: I don’t think you’ve gotten enough! Every single time, you say things will be ok, and they never are! You’ve failed at your job so many times! How can you call yourself an Ultimate at all?

Richter: That’s enough. Save your anger for Monoghost.

Reina: Defending her like always, are you?! Explain to me how an Ultimate Hope can be so bad at their talent?!

Richter: I said that’s enough!

Lin: A-All we need to do… is to find the USB drive.

Reina: … Well, I actually agree with that. And once we do find it, along with the identity of the 2nd Geist member… we kill them.

Diana: W-What?! Reina, are you really suggesting…?

Reina: Of course I am! This is a killing game, people! The only way we can win is by killing the Geist members!

Alec: B-But then someone would have to sacrifice themselves, right?! Who would do that?!

Reina: That ain’t necessary. We just get Hugh to do it.

Raven: W-What?!

Bill: T-That… That is…

Reina: What's wrong with you people?! Hugh is our enemy! This whole time, he’s been waltzing around, pretending to be our friend, cause he knows we can’t do anything about it! Well I’m sick of it!

Hugh: Have you completely lost your mind! The hell is wrong with you?!

Enraged, Reina walked up to Hugh and slugged him in the face, knocking him down.

Diana: Ah! Reina!

Reina: What’s wrong with me?! You’re the one who’s putting on a f*cking killing game?! WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?!

Hugh grunted, wiping off the blood trickling down his mouth.

Hugh: Tch… you satisfied.

Reina: Nah, I won’t be satisfied until you’re nothing but a stain on the ground!

Reina reared to hit him again, but Juana held her back.

Juana: Stop it, Reina!

Diana: Everyone, please stop! M-Mr. Bill, ya say something’!

Bill: …

Diana: M-Mr. Bill?

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Bill look so… defeated.

Reina: Let go of me! If we force him to kill one of the other members, that’s half of our problems solved right there!

Juana: B-But you can’t just… you can’t resort to something like that!

Reina: This coming from the gal who said we should sacrifice the weakest people?!

Juana: I… I did say that… and I was wrong! The only people who would think like that… are people who would give into despair.

Finally, Reina freed herself from Juana’s grasp.

Reina: So what?! Are you gonna claim that I’m a Geist member then?! Are you gonna kill me next?!

Juana: No, but I’m saying well you’re acting like one right now!

Reina: You wanna go?! Try me, you bitchy little c*nt!

16: That’s enough! Fighting here isn’t going to solve anything!

Lin: Piss off, 16! Can’t you tell that no one here cares about what you have to say?!

16: I’m just saying that we can’t-

Lin: And I’m saying to go f*ck yourself! Nobody wants to listen to any of your lies right now!

Mary: Lin, please to be-

Lin: Are you siding with him over me… Mary?

That look on her face… for a moment, I froze.

That anger, that hostility, that… despair.

Is that really Lin?

Is that really… the Ultimate Hope.

Mary: I… I just… I’m just so sick of all this fighting.

Diana: Y-Yeah. M-Mr. Bill, why don’t you just calm everyone down? I-I’m sure if ya speak up-

Bill: Our…

Diana: Huh?

Bill: Our… talents…

Diana: What about our talents?

Bill: T-They’re taking them all away! Are talents!

Bill’s expression was panicked, without any of the confidence it usually held.

Bill: Our talent is the only weapon we’ve got! It’s our only chance at survivin’ this killing game! Talented people are the only reason the Ultimate Despair was able to be stopped! Why the world was saved! Why it could be rebuilt! Without that… if we just become ordinary people… we’re doomed. There’s no way… That we can win.

Diana: A-Ah! Mr. Bill! Please don’t say something like that.

Bill: Then what am I supposed to say!

Diana: Ah! I…

Bill: You all saw what happened to Nona. Someone mediocre like her could never handle a situation like this! She could never-urk!

Diana: Aaaah! Stop, no, no, no! Stop with the violence, please!

Narcian: Would you care to repeat that?

Narcian grabbed Bill by his collar, glaring at him as he pinned him to a wall.

Bill: You know it’s true! She could never match up to a real Ultimate, and that’s why she cracked under the pressure! That’s what’s going to happen to all of us if we forget everythin’ about our talents! Urk!

Narcian: I won’t let you utter another syllable about Nona, you hear me?! I’ll make you pay!

Bill: Why are you… defending a murderer?!

Narcian’s grip tightened.

Hugh: Put him down, Narcian! Now!

Narcian: Why? Is he another Geist member?

Hugh: Just do as I say, now!

Narcian: And what will you do if I don’t?

Hugh: I’ll break you.

Narcian: …

Hugh looks serious. Things might escalate at this point.

16: But if he’s not a Geist member, why would you care, Hugh? Explain that.

Hugh: Not the time, 16!

The other members of Geist probably wouldn’t like it if Hugh was close to Bill and Raven…

Bill: I’d never fall to despair!

Alec: Narcy… please let him down.

Narcian: Alec?! Didn’t you hear what he said about Nona?!

Alec: That’s just it! Who is Nona?! I don’t know who you’re talking about?!


Everyone had been shouting at each other for so long, only for the room to suddenly become silent for several seconds.

Everyone turned to Alec, a mixture of confusion, shock, and horror written all over their faces.

Narcian: W-What did you say?

In his surprise, Narcian dropped Bill, who let out a loud shaky breath before moving away.

Alec: I don’t know anyone named Nona! I never had.

Lin: A-Alac, you don’t remember Nona? Like, there was Polly, but also…

Alec: Eh? Why are you mentioning Polly? I… remember a little bit about her, but only a little. But I don’t remember anything about Nona!

Hugh: Alec… Are you serious? This isn’t a joke, right?

Alec turned to him, a surprisingly serious expression on their face.

Alec: Of course I’m serious! Is Nona someone I should know?!

Narcian: It’s… Polly’s real name.

Alec’s eyes widened, realizing what was happening.

Alec: Oh, I… I forgot her! I forgot about her! I forgot completely about her, and I barely have any memories about Polly either.

Bill: Already… Already we’ve lost so many memories!

Juana: We’re all… going to forget everything…

This is… so messed up! What are we even supposed to do?

Raven: … Hahahaha.

Mary: Raven?

Raven: Ahahaahahaha!

Raven started to laugh. A wild, deranged, laugh that caught us completely off guard.

Raven: There’s… no point… to any of this. We’re just going to keep suffering more and more until we die.

Hugh: R-Raven… What are you saying?!

Raven: I-Isn’t it sort of freeing, in a way? To realize how hopeless everything is? T-To know that nothing we can do will make a difference. S-So, because of that, it’s ok to just… let go and-

Reina: But there is a way! We have to start fighting back! All we have to do is find another Geist member and-


Someone suddenly screamed at the top of their lungs. At first, I was surprised, because I had never expected that person to scream at us like this. But…


I could see Diana’s tears falling down onto the ground, her body shaking, her breaths unsteady.

Diana: All of y’all, standin’ here, threatenin’ each other, hurtin’ each other, sayin’ “Kill, Kill, Kill!” … Have any of y’all ever killed another person before?! HUH?!

No one said a word. The tears continued to trail down Diana’s face.

Diana: I was still a lil’ kid when the Tragedy was happenin’! N’ everywhere ya looked… there were bodies! Bodies clawed up, torn apart, crushed, blown apart, n’ burned. Death… it ain’t pretty like in a movie! Once yer dead, yer gone! Yer gone, and ya can never come back!

Diana glanced around, looking at Raven.

Diana: T-These people… they were screamin’, cryin’, beggin’ to stay alive! At the shelter I was at… we would bring in people who were critically injured… n’ they would fight with every inch of their life to survive! No matter how hurt they were… no matter how awful the world was. BEACUASE THEY WANTED TO LIVE! T-That’s why… it’s so cruel…!

Her sobbing continued, no one daring to say a word. Diana poured her heart out, not caring how she sounded.

Diana: Every day… Every day… I remember… The nightmares come back, and I see all of those people, strugglin’ to survive, but dyin’ anyway! And I know… all of y’all have those nightmares too. So why… WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO KILL ANOTHER HUMAN BEING!

Diana poured her heart out, not caring how she sounded, even as she continued to sob.

Reina: But… we only have two choices… we have to-


Reina: What?! Another way?!

Diana: No matter how hard this killin’ game gets… I want to live! I want to live… and everyone else to live too! Cause everyone’s… got people who care about em’... and everyone’s life has value! I would… be very sad… if any of you died… cause yer all my friends! It doesn’t matter if yer Geist or not! It doesn’t matter if you got a talent er’ not! I don’t want… a single one of my friends to die!

Diana collapsed to her knees, not able to say another word, completely overwhelmed by sobs.

Poor thing… she had been so timid for the whole game, but even as she was sobbing on the floor, she refused to break.

Carefully, I placed my hand on her back to comfort her.

Mary: Everyone, please… that’s enough fighting. We’ve had a long day, so for now, let’s not think about the killing game. Just for tonight.

Hugh: … Yeah. Alright.

Raven: …

Reina: Fine.

I would be lying if I said everyone looked well, but at the very least, the others weren’t at each other’s throats at the moment.

*Ding Dong Ding Dong*

Monoghost: Listen up, you little demons! It is now 10P.M!

Monoghost: Swimming is now prohibited!

Monoghost: Good night, sleep tight… and pray that you’ll wake up tomorrow.

I wasn’t sure what tomorrow would bring, but as I contemplated if I should visit 16 or not…

I began to worry that I wasn’t strong enough for what was coming…

Monoghost Theater

Monoghost: This world is cruel.

Monoghost: Sometimes, just being in the wrong place at the wrong time can be terrible for you.

Monoghost: Some people try to logically analyze a situation, some blame the victims, and some turn to religion…

Monoghost: But in the end, some things can only be explained by the indifference of the universe.

Monoghost: But don’t you think… that there’s beauty in that indifference?

Danganronpa: Reincarnated Des-Paradise - Chapter 30 - blazingEmblem (2024)


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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.