8. THE EAU CLAIRE LEADER. EAU CLAIRE. WISCONSIN SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 7, 1927. A Someone Wants Your Photograph! You know who and you know how much delight it will bring.
Stop in at your earliest convenience. Aanes Studio PHONE 480-W FOR APPOINTMENTS. RAST END OF GRAND AVENUE BRIDGE VIVA UV VA V. A VAU Willis R. Chappell EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 101 Grand Avenue East TO A VOW A YA OVA Lau Claire Business Institute "Eau Claire's New Commercial College." PRESENT ENROLLMENT-140 STUDENTS.
Competent, Experienced Instructors of Exceptional Ability All Business subjects taught, including Stenographic, Secretarial, Higher Accounting, Banking, Comptometry, Business Administration, Our equpiment includes Burroughs Adding Machine, Burroughs Calculator, Dalton Electric Bookkeeping Machine, Individual Cardex Filing Equipment, 143 Typewriters, all makes. Exceptional Employment Service We retain an employment man, whose only duty is that of find. ing suitable positions for our graduates. We will And part-time employment for those who wish to work for their board and room. Home Study Department Those wishing to study at home will be furnished with one of our typewriters which they may use in their own home.
A brief College term, ample to finish the training and secure a diploma, is included with each home study course. TUITION RATES ARE MUCH LOWER, AND INCLUDE ALL TEXT MATERIAL AND PAPER. Write for Particulars- -Enroll Now. Eau Claire Business Institute Corner Farwell and Gibson Streets. "THE SCHOOL THAT'S A YEAR We Have A Packard Expert In Our Shop Every shop must be fitted to take care of every kind of a car, to be successful.
In our shop you will find this true. A new addition to the shop is an expert of Packards. He has worked in the factory in several capacities for many years and is well qualitied to take care of your Packard. Every job is guaranteed. DENTED FENDERS AND BODIES STRAIGHTENED.
Don't worry after the accident has happened about the dented body or fenders. Just drive down to our shop. Here you will be able to have such things straightened at a very small cost. And the best part of it is that each job looks like new. PATRONIZE THE "Little Gas Station." Union Auto Service Co.
A. C. ERICKSON, PROP. Open Night and Day. Union Auto Co.
Five more members are needed to entitle the Eau Claire chapter, Reserve Officers association, to four delegates at the state tion at Wausau according to Lieut. Ben Larson, chairman of the membership committee of local military organization who urges that all who have not yet paid up their 1927. dues to do so at once in order that Eau Claire be well represented at the state gathering. Under the present system of alloting delegates, each chapter is allowed one delegate for each twen-five members. Eau to send a strong representation to Wausau and particularly hopes to have her full voting strength.
It is expect-, ed that the membership committee will stage a "clean-up" drive withIn the next few days to bring in the eligibles who have not yet joined up for the current Membership dues can be mailed to Lieut. Voss at the Eau Claire National Bank or Lieut. Ben care of Standard Oil Co. The first fall, meeting of the chapter here is on Friday, Sept. 2, said Major George Simpson, before leaving for Snelling where he is in command of a battalion of C.
M. T. C. troops. ings of the local military organization have not been held during the hummer.
The local chapter is now the second largest in the state being outranked only by Milwaukee. Eau Claire, however, leads the state in percentage of members and the officers are determined that the chapter will be on top when final returns of the membership campaign are in. Incidentally, the chapter is the largest that it has ever been history. Many important business matters will be taken up at the coming meeting and it is urged that all members be present. Delegates chosen for the state convention to be held in Wausau and a nominating committee to select officers for the coming year will be appointed.
also, meeting will be held at the Elks' Club, opened with a banquet. FIVE HOUSES, SIX GARAGES WEEK'S LIST RENEWED BUILDING AOTIVITY REFLECTED IN PERMITS OF LAST WEEK Renewed activity in home and garage building here is reflected in the records of the city building inspector for the week ending today. An even dozen permits were issued during the week, of which six were for new garages, and five for new houses. The other two were for additions to houses. The permits were issued to the following.
Charles P. Fraker, cottage on Seymour road; Fred A. Higley, house on Cameron A. Liebold, garage at Second E. A.
Evans, garage at 304 Fifth Hoeppner Bartlett, garage at 707 S. Barstow Arthur Larson, garage on Chauncey Frank Baller, house at 611 Fifth P. E. Peterson, garage; Walker house at 407 Altoona Walker build addition to 528 Grand Ave. Steven Bendickson, house and garage at Bellevue near Bergen.
H. E. Berg. build addition to house at 522 Hudson. MADISON STEEL CAR PASSENGERS SHOW INCREASE OF 11,800 Many in Eau Claire, during the recent upheaval of down town streets have wondered why public utility did not abandon the street car lines and put on busses.
Instead of this the Northern States Power company has gone along with -the city and taxpayers in the rebuilding of city streets, to an, extent said to be about $50,000 when Improvements are completed. Perhaps the answer is, that street car travel is on the increase, and that there is hope- the future. At least the following from Madison, 13 of interest: "An Increaso of 11,300 in revenue passengers using Madison street cars dunce June over 1h3 total June, 1926, was revealed Unlay in a by the Madison Railways company filed with City Clerk R. Winckler. Total revenue passengers for June reached 484.657, the report states, and the gross revenue amounted to $33,828.14, as compared- with $32,418.11 for June, 1926." POPULAR YELLOWS Creamy yellows, corn yellows and a rich reddish yellow are smart shades for mid-summer silk and linen frocks.
Do You Know Your State? QUESTIONS 1. Who will captain Wisconsin's football and basketball teams fall? 2. won the Wisconsin open golf championship last year? 3. Who is the head of the State Board of Control in Wigconsin? 4. How many bills were intro duced in the assembly and senate in the present session of the legislature? 5.
Who is Col. Lewis B. Nagler? Answers. 1. 'Football, Edwin "Toad" Crofoot, Macon City, Basbetkall, Louis Behr, Rockford.
2. A. B. "Buster" Bock. 3.
John J. Hannan. 4. 722 in the assembly and 619 in the senate. 5.
Cleasby. was in his office in the County Training school again yesterday after an extended absence. Mr. Cleasby had been in Kenosha where he was engaged in assisting with a revaluation of the entire Kenosha county. The manufacturing plants were the particular field to which Mr.
Cleasby was assigned. "The trip was of a highly educational value," Mr. Cleasby said this morning in discussing various operations in Kenosha's plants. Kenosha's manufactories have an assessed value of almost 18 millions, Mr. Cleasby said.
The largest in value is the Simmons where beds are made. Mr. Cleasby graphically described how old railroad rails where broken in two by a huge machine as easily as one can break a match between the fingers. The old rails are used by the Simmons company after some chemical processes for making bed frames, The Simmon's plant, Mr. Cleasby said was valued at 8 million dollars.
The American Brass plant and the Nash Motor plant are each valued at about 5 millions, Mr. Cleasby sa.d. He told of his work in the Nash plant. He was especially impressed with the drop-forging where huge steam hammers were driven downward with tremendous force to mould red hot steel into various sections of the cars. "They do a large foreign business," Mr.
Cleasby said, "principally because the foreigners have not yet learned mass production. They will bore one hole at a time in a motor block. but at the Nash plant they run the block of steel in and one machine bores 72 holes at the same time." To give a comparative estimate of the values of the Kenosha plants and industries, Mr. Cleasby the Dells Paper Bau, Claire, and Pulp and the Gillette Rubber plants would be assessed about one and a half millions on the same basis. MADISON- -The legislature never did adopt the famous "Thank You" resolution which was intended to express appreciation to former Senator Irvine L.
Lenroot for his work in the enactment. of the federal dairy law. However, Mr. Lenroot still has a chance to hear the "thank you" If Governor Zimmerman requests the' legislators to return. The resolution introduced last February by Assemblyman Edwards was brought up before both houses and before a conference more than thirty times.
The Delivery Car Operator Our job is to make deliveries on time. Champions help us do this because they're dependable and give our cars plenty of pep and power. We vote for Champions every time. Champion is the better spark plug because of its double ribbed sillima. nite cere its two-piece cial construction and its speanalysis clectrodes.
Champion X- Fords ChampionCars other than Fords CHAMPION Spark Plugs TOLEDO, OHIO For your protection be sure the Champions you buy are in the original Champion cartons. STATE HEALTH CONFERENCE TO BE HELD HERE FIRST MEETING OUTSIDE OF MADISON WILL OBSERVE 50TH. ANNIVERSARY The biennial conference of Wisconsin officers to be held in Eau September 20 and health, 21 in conjunction with the annual meeting of the State Medical Society will be in the nature of a semi-centennial celebration of cial public health work in this state, a circular letter from the office of the state board of health states. Last year was the fiftieth anniversary of the organization of the state board of health. The meeting here will be the Arst time that this conference of health officers has ever been held outside the city of Madison.
Eau Claire is centrally located, it is pointed out in the letter, and the "fact that we are holding. this conference in conjunction with the State Medical Society should insure a large attendance and the conference should be the banner conference, thus far held. 20, the Tuesday, September first day of the conference will be given the general state health programs it pertains to state health work, local health officers' work, public health nurses, etc. On the forenoon of September .21 there will be a program on medical health subjects given by experienced public health who have been invited to Wisworkers. consin for this purpose.
According to law, the letter states, "the expense of attendance of local health officers shall be paid by the municipality upon certificates of the state or deputy health officer, but only for one state and for one local conference a year." "There is much of value to each community in having its health officer at this conference," the letter adds. "We are confident that the information gained will produce much greater efficiency in each locality and in the end will be a precedure of much economy." Locally especial emphasis is placed on the availability of this state conference to health officers both lay and medical in rural communities of Northwestern Wisconsin and it is hoped that attendance from this region will be practical-. ly 100 per cent. GILET EFFECTS Gilets or waist coat, effects, are emphasized in the silk blouses suitable for summer wear or early fall suit wear. Firestone MILEAGE When you equip your car with FIRESTONE FULL SIZE GUMDIPPED BALLOONS, you are assured of many thousands of trouble-free miles of tire service.
Come in and let us show you this world famous balloon. Prices are at rock bottom. Firestone OLDFIELD Special Made and Guaranteed By Firestone 29x4.40 FIRESTONE REGULAR CORD Oldfield Balloon $7.35 $8.40 BARGAINS IN USED TIRES! APEX AUTO ACCESSORY CO. Firestone Master Service Station. Wholesale Retail Guaranteed Vulcanizing.
OPEN EVENINGS SUNDAY MORNINGS. 606 South Barstow Street. Phone 2078. for the Buick has again fulfilled this promiseAUTOMOBILES WILL BUILD BUICK THEM See the 1928 BUICK 0 Podawiltz Motor Co. Distributors and Retailers.
Union Auto Co. Bldg. Phone 2677. on display TODAY.