Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)

EAU CLAIRE, WISCONSIN. WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3, 1927. THE EAU CLAIRE LEADER. 11 BIG RETURNS A SMALL AT SMALL Classified your MARKET AD DOES COST Make A BIG JOB: columns The charge for classitled adverlaements 12c per line for one Insertion: 9c per line for three conRoc The consecutive insertions; insertions. 80 for per the line total for un of any mans thirty cents.

No charge vertisem*nts will be accepted for 688 than two lines. The Leader and Telegram will not responsible for more than the first Incorrect insertion of any advertisem*nts ordered for more than one time. Classified Advertisem*nts will be accepted by telephone from telephone subscribers only. Classified ads must be received by 18:80 p. m.

to be classified in the following issue of The Telegram. Ads received between 12:80 and 8 m. will be classified in the following morning's Leader. COLUMN 1 Male 'Help Situations wanted, Female Help Wanted. Salesmen Wanted Services Offered COLUMN 2 Automobiles For Sale COLUMN 3 Automobiles For Sale Apartments and Flats Rooms to Let.

Houses for Rent For Sale or Rent Real Estate for Sale For Rent fo Stores. offices toLet Houses for Sale COLUMN Houses for Sale Property--Cottages holes Sale or. Trade Garnges Wanted to Rent Farms and Lands for Sale Business Notices Sale Miscellaneous For Sale, Household Goods COLUMN Miscellaneous Wanted to Buy Motorcycles Typewriters Financial Lots for Sale Auto Accessories Dogs, Biras and Pets Business Chances Lost and 'Found Livestock Poultry and Eggs Situations Wanted. Address Box 3, R. 3, Glenwood WORK WANTED AS HOUSEKEEP.

City, Wis. Male Help Wanted. VANTED AT ONCE! HELPERS around steam shovel, tracks and miscellaneous work. Apply at Elmwood, Wissota Sand and Gravel Co: MEN WANTED FOR ROAD work. John Everson Transfer Co.

VANTED--CAN USE A FEW MEN with cars, $10.00 a day. Steady work. Address W-117 clo this paper. IAN FOR GENERAL FARM WORK. John Weiss, Menomonie, R.

3. Downsville. Tel. 16R15. VILL THE PARTY WHO ADVERtised wall paper cleaning, early in the phone 163.

TARRIED MAN ON FARM, WITHout children preferred, and experlenced with farm. work. Fuel, gal. of milk a day furnished; $65 per month. Written references required.

Mrs. Herman Jacobson, Menompnie, Rt. 9. Phone 79 F-5. ANTED- -MAN FOR GENERAL farming.

Phone 874R3. SIGHT CLERK. HOTEL CHIPPEWA, Chippewa Falls. Apply in person. TEN WANTED AT EAU CLAIRE Sand and Gravel Shawtown.

60 WEEKLY WITH "BROWN'S System" Personal Xmas Cards samples FREE. Write immediately. H. W. Brown and Co.

87 E. Wis. Milwaukee. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED for and western Wisconsin wy one of the oldest Educational institutions in the world now organizing, a had permanent experience Field Force. in, If you have Field Work for any Educational Institution you can not afford to overlook this opportunity.

Address replies to 827 Second Avenue Minneapolis, giving age and experience. Female Help Wanted. KITCHEN HELP. APPLY IN PERson. Bus Station Lunch room.

LAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Call 447. TAKERS. GOOD commission. Inq. 106 Chippewa St.

EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR REStaurant work. Call Altoona Restaurant. Phone 2824. LL AROUND BEAUTY SHOP OPerator. Must have finger waving experience.

Mrs. Gene Donnelly, Chippewa Falls. HOUSEKEEPER. Middle age, single woman without children, good home for pA right party. Write "W- 114" this paper.

keep house. 761 First Ave. Ph. 104. -Middle aged A women to VOMEN TO DRESS CHICKENS.

Armour Creameries, 730 Galloway. VANTED- Maid. Apply Children's Home, 308 Dodge St. Salesmen Wanted. Rural Salesmen A Wisconsin Organization having established business in the terripry for 50 years past has openings or several clean-cut, ambitious alesmen.

Permanent work the year round to men who prove satisfacpry. You must own a car and be repared take a short training burse within the next two weeks. ome sales experience desirable, but ot entirely, necessary. Salary far bove the average. Give particulars bout yourself in first letter.

Adress Employment Manager, Dept. P. 0. Box 502, Madison, Wisc. Services Offered.

EWING DONE AT HOME. 426 E. Madison. Phone 2310W. TABHINGS WANTED; ONE DAY service.

Phone 2072JX. CALL FOR DEAD STOCK promptly. No charge, Claire Hide and Tallow Plant phone 2006W. Residence phone 1123W. FISHING TACKLE.

RADIOS, Batteries, speedometer, locks, electric Irons, sewing machines, razors, lawnmowers, generators repaired at the B. 311 S. Farwell. 224 Yours for service. HOE SERVICE SHOP.

CALL FOR and deliver. Tel. 2316J. LEATING, RHINESTONES AND cloth covered buttons. A.

Korger. CETYLENE WELDING AND CARbon burning. Karl N. Knudson, 307 N. Farwell St.

(Continued next column) Automobiles For Sale. DODGE. GOOD CONDITION: NEW 2 spares. Tel. 1215 W.

$75 TAKES GOOD FORD TOURING. Extras. Phone 1891J. FORD SEDAN. STROMBERG CARburetor, Delco ignition, Stewart speedometer, new tires, battery generator.

Fine upholstering. $250. Inquire 310 Grand Ave. W. 1920 DORT TOURING CAR AT Your own price or will junk same.

340 Water St. 1923 HUDSON COACH. NEWLY painted, in good shape. Best offer takes it. Call at White Auto PaintIng we station, 427 or phone 2710 after business hours.


Automotive Sales Co. CHRYSLER AGENCY 413 S. Barstow. Phone- Used Car Bargains We Positively Will Sacrifice Several Cars for Quick Sale. will furnish license with these cars in' this special sale.

Ford Ford Ford Ford Touring- It is a 1926 model and has fine balloon tires. Chevrolet Touring, 1925 model. Priced to sell Studebaker Touring, 1921 Priced to sell quick. Dodge Touring, $135.00. Ready to go.

Buick Dodge Ford Roadster $40.00. to Ford sell Dodge Dodge quick. Roadster, Roadster. a 1926 model. Priced 1926 model.

Every one is a real bargain. M. H. Butler Motor Co. Dealers in New Dodge Cars and Graham Trucks 420 S.

Barstow Phone DODGE SEDAN DODGE COUPE Two real bargains because they are in exceptionally good condition and have been driven very little. Both cars will speak for selves. They are fine tion mechanically and look most new. We positively will sell them under the market if sold quick. Liberal terms can be arranged.

Being the dealers 1n new cars, naturally We are just as much interested in the used Dodge cars that we sell as the new ones. If you want a real car has proven to give many theolat and miles of satisfactory driving in all kinds of weather and roads, you can have it in either one of these cars. Both cars are real bargains for quick sale. M. H.

Butler Motor Co. Dealers in new Dodge Cars and Graham Trucks 420 S. Barstow Phone 41 1926 HUDSON BROUGHAM; VERY fine condition. Will take smaller car in trade. Reasonable terms on balance.

See Fred Gabert at ers-Boutell Co. TWO-TON TRUCK We will sacrifice this truck quick sale. You can have a dump body or platform body. This truck positively will be sacrificed under the market. M.

H. Butler Motor Co. Dealers in Now Dodge Cars and Graham Trucks. 420 S. Barstow.

Phone 41 TRUCK SALE We positively will sacrifice ten trucks for quick sale. Ford light delivery. Ford Ton trucks (Warford shift). And others up to 2-ton trucks. Open or closed bodies.

Platform or dump body. Every one is a real bargain. We can arrange convenient terms. M. H.

Butler Motor Co. Dealers, in new Dodge Cars and Graham Trucks. 420 8. Barstow Phone Automobiles For Sale Houses For Sale. USED CARS BARGAINS 1926 Chevrolet Landeau Sedan.

1926 Chevrolet Coupe. 1927 Essex Coach. 1927 Essex Coupe. These cars are like new and priced to sell. Be sure to see them before you buy.

Withers Boutell Comany 101 Barstow St. Phone 1221 Re-possessed TRUCKS 1 Ford Ton Truck. 2 Graham Trucks. Phone 612. Apartments and Flats.

DECORATED 5-RM. garage. 206 Bellinger St. 2866 WX. 5-ROOM APT.

WITH GARAGE. 726 Menomonie St. Phone 563 R-1. FLAT: 316 GRAND AVE. $45.00.

Arthur Linton, Phone 905. PLEASANT MOD. FURN. Apts. 316 Hudson St.

TWO 5-ROOM APTS. MOD. EXcept 408 and 405 Bellinger St. Inq. 302 Randall St.

FURNISHED AND PARTLY FURnished apartments. Phone 2002 J. ALL MOD. FURN. OR UNFURN.

heated, newly decorated, garage. 1003 3rd Ave. 6 ROOM FLAT, St. Phone 832 or ShaBellinger FURN. HSKPG.

Phone 880-W. on 924-1st Ave. ROOM MODERN FLAT; FIRST floor. 425 Niagara Rooms to Let. FURN.

HSKPG. ROOMS. 412 No. Barstow. Phone 1721M.


L. HSKPG. RMS. Adults. Tel.

1488. 628 Wisconsin St. FURN. L. HSKPG.

RMS. INQUIRE Grand Ave. W. Tel 954 W. 3 FURN.

HSKPG. 1 FURN. sleeping Rm. Phone 928 J. ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME.

Garage. Gent. preferred. Tel 693W. LARGE, PLEASANT, MOD.

FRONT room. Tel. 2649W. 2 MOD. A ROOMS WITH BATH.

Equipped for L. Hskpg. Phone 2066. FURN. L.

HSKPG. ROOMS, MOD. conveniences. Phone 365W. FURN.

ROOM IN MOD. HOME; Gentleman preferred. 419 N. stow 3 FURN. LIGHT HISKPO.

ROOMS. 411 Gray St. 2 SLEEPING ROOMS. 313 S. Farwell.

Phone 481 Houses for Rent. COTTAGE AT 317 WATER ST. Inquire next door. MOD. HOUSE.

525 SUMMIT AVE. Inq. A. J. Bartlett, 517 Summit Ave FOR A-1, shape, 3rd ward.

Inq. 1040 Oxford Ave. mornings. 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE; HOT water heat, garage for 3 cars. Partly furnished desired.

Phone 1042. For Sale or Rent. GOOD 9-ROOM HOUSE, 3 ACRES rich soil, fruit trees, etc. Bargain. Mrs.

C. Hanson, Altoona, Wis: Phone 776 W. MOD. NEWLY DECORATED BUNgalow on east side hill. Easy terms.

Albert Pehlke, Vine St. Rd. Real Estate For Sale BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME with 5 to 20 acres, best of land. Make ideal summer and winter Also 5 acre lots. Germania Farm Union Nat'l.

Bank Eau Claire, Wis. Phone BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME IN Third ward, up-to-date in every respect; 8 rooms. bath, built-in garage, hot water heat, lot 66x350, good garden, would suit A retired farmer, and can be bought at a bargain, to close An estate. Address "W-801" clo this paper. For Rent RENT A NEW CAR.

WITH OR without driver. Ph. 223 -A- Car System, Eau Claire St. Stores, Offices to Let. NICE LARGE OFFICE ROOMS in Druminond Bldg.

Phone Houses For Sale. MODERN 8 ROOM MOUSE SUMmit Ave. Bargain. Call 1576W. 6-ROOM PARTLY MOD.

HOUSE, garage, Small down payment, suitable terms. Phone 2951 NEW MOD. HOME, EAST SIDE hill, small down payment, balance like rent. Call Walker Bros. 2393 or Sundays and evenings call 2151WX NEW MOD.

5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Easy terms. L. Houts, 2125. BEFORE BUYING SEE MY LIST of houses and building lots in all parts of the city.

W. Heiss. Phone 778. Excellent Income Property 19-room house, $225 monthly Income besides owners apt. Located on S.

Barstow. Beautiful outlook, convenient to Normal school and business district. Price $13,500. Suitable terms can be L. E.

GERDEPhone 1118. (Continued next column), BABY GIRL FOR ADOPTION. Write 32 care of this Wanted To Buy. Miscellaneous. SECOND-HAND ROW BOAT.

MUST Write class condition. Chippewa River club, care Club. State price and full particulars on description. WANTED TO BUY--A GOOD 2ND hand A wagon. Telephone Roy Gullickson, Union.

ALL KINDS FURNITURE, STOVES, etc. Highest prices. August Reiss. Motorcycles. HARLEY Lueck's package Cycle Service.

delly180W. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS rented, sold. Repaired. Rulien Typewriter Co.

2317J RENT OR SALE: Underwood, C. Smith. Remington. W. S.

Kelley. Financial. FOR SALE-30 SHARES CLEMONS Auto Supply Co. stock. B.

L. Clark, 614 N. Barstow. Phone 1117 W. MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY Homes.

THE BARTLETT AGENCY, Ingram Bldg. Phone 348. Res. phone 1602 W. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate.

Andrew Skolas, 212 Culver Bldg. Lots For Sale. 2 LOTS FOR SALE. INQUIRE 911 Second Ave. DESIRABLE LOT ON M'KINLEY near State St.

LOT FOR SALE, 1403 OMAHA ST. Inq. A. Korger. Auto Accessories.

CORD TIRES, $2.75 TO tubes, storage batteries, $7.75. Craig's Garage. Dogs, Birds and Pets. BEST MALE POLICE DOG PUP OF litter, $15 with papers. 220 4th St.

Business Chances. FOR SALE- ONLY HOTEL IN THE finest location possible. Thirty rooms; absolutely no competition. Will consider some trade. Write now, Box 88, Amery, Wis.

BEST LOCATION FOR BARBER shop in city for Inquire at Culver Shoe Store. Lost and Found. LOST--MINK NECK PIECE BEtween 5th and Dewey Sts. 2430 R. LOST GOODYEAR BALLOON 30x4.95 between Chippewa and Fairchild.

Reward. Leave at this office. LOST SATURDAY NIGHT BEtween Vine Street road and Eau Claire Hatchery, fish pole in brown case. Phone Ed. Mittelstadt, Union.

Reward. LOST--Large black and tan fox hound, Return. to 988 Crescent Ave. Tel. 310M.

Reward. LOST--BLUE AND TAN KID Glove 4th Tuesday. Return to this office. Reward. Live Stock for Sale.

ONE SPAN BLACK GELDINGS 5 yrs. old, weight 3000 lbs. Sound and well broke. Robert Becker, Mondovi, Wis. R.

F. D. No. 4. GOOD MILCH COW FOR SALE OR will trade for pigs.

B. Robinson, Rt. 4 Rock Falls. HORSES FOR SALE OR TRADE. Ed Forster.

Phone 254 R-1. SADDLE PONIES AND DRIVERS, finest in the state. Broke in cart single or double; especially fine riders, coming five years each. Guaranteed to be gentle in every way. Riders too large for ponies, otherwise money could not buy them.

Phone, call or write Homs, "Homewood" Chetek, Box 452. Poultry and Eggs. CHICKENS, S. C. R.

I. RED PULlets. Halvor Larson, 11th St. BOYCEVILLE Mr. and Mrs.

John Lund family spent Sunday at Lake fax, Andrew Larson is substituting as mail carrier on route 1 during the absence of John Brewer who is attending the mail carriers' convention at La Crosse. John Sly and family of Knapp spent Sunday at the home of his brother, Frank, Mrs. A. C. Linderman of Hudson is visiting her daughter, Mrs.

F. Retz. Mrs. W. A.

Thompson and children of Madison are guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Frank Meisner. Mr. and Mrs. Ed.

Hakanson and two children spent the week-end with relatives. in the Twin Cities. Mrs. Ellas Schlough and daughter, Mable, spent Sunday at the Martin Schlough home. Mr.

and Mrs. Art Heinsohn and son spent the week end at Chetek with the Percy Cook family. Harold Berggren and Harry Berquist of Chicago are visiting at the Swan Johnson and Anton Sunf eson homes. Peter Granger of St. Paul WAS a guest of Ed Crosby Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Neitge and tamily of Deer Park and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Kneer and two children pienicked at Irvine park at Chippewa Falls Sunday. and Mrs. Russell Emerson and family of Baldwin called on his sister, Mrs. Carson Herdahl, Sunday. The Trinity Lutheran church choir went to Wheeler to sing for the song service which was held in the Lutheran church there.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Molzaha and two children left for thei: home in- Chicago after spending two weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Meisner and daughter or New Richmond were guests of Frank Meiener. Sunday. Mrs.

I. Hanson and daughter Mable left for their home in Min- neapolis after spending a weak at the John Sand home. Harold Tape of New Richmond spent the week-end at the home of his mother. Mr. cad Mrs.

Clarence Helgeson and two children went to Bloomer Sunday to visit friends. HOWARD-TILDEN A farwell party was given at the Edmond Mienen home Sunday eVening. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Will Mienen and family.

They will leave Milwaukee on Wednesday to make that place their home. Their many friends here wish them well. Mrs. Jos Hephler returned to her home in Eau Claire helping her mother, Mrs. Horn, past few weeks.

Mrs. Horn sustained a fractured shoulder some time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J.

Konechney and children of Anson, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bowe and family of Cooks Valley and Mrs. P. Harings and children of Chippewa Falls were guests at the Ernest Loew home Sunday.

John Schindler, pioneer resident suffered a paralytic stroke Saturday at the home of his son, William. Mr. Schindler suffered a similar experience about three years Dr. Larsen of Colfax is attending him. A daughter was born to Mr.

and Mrs. George Bohl at the hospital Wednesday, July 27. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Huttner of Chippewa Falls are spending a few days visiting Huttner's mother, Mrs.

Mike Goethel reports he has three large liters of pigs on his farm all farrowed within a couple of days. One sow has 15; one has 11 and a third has 10, all are alive and spry. Miss Adeline Schindler of Milwaukee arrived here Tuesday to be at the bedside of her father who 18 seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs.

Jos. Hartman were guests at the Godfred Hartman home Sunday. Frank Secraw and' Bill Rothbaur were among those who took an airplane ride Sunday. They enjoyed the trip greatly although it was but a few minutes' ride. GILMAN Eric Forrest of Spencer spent Tuesday with his mother, Mrs.

Helga Forrest. Misfortune rode on the wings of Tuesday morning's storm, for Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sutter. A bolt of lightning struck their barn and completely destroyed it.

The barn last year, and Sutter had but was a large now, one, completed recently installed water works and a milking machine. The loss was but partially covered by less than $2,000 insurance. Mr. Sutter had nearly Anished haying and the harvested crop was destroyed with the barn. Mr.

and Mrs. Levi Walker, Mrs. Lenora Little and Hansten Heggen were Gilman callers Tuesday. Mrs. Sarah Howard who has been the guest of Mrs.

P. L. Kingman for the past few days, returned to her home at Thorp, Tuesday night. Mrs. Levi Walker was the weekend guest of Mr.

and Mrs. Jesse Cook. Mr. and Mrs. P.

L. Kingman and several friends from Thorp spent Saturday night and Sunday camping at Popple Lake near Chippewa. Clarence Mitchell. is taking a few days' vacation on a fishing trip. Rev.

Allen Curtis and family of Aberdeen, S. are guests of Mrs. Curtis' sister, Mrs. J. C.

Smith and family. Mrs. Mary Colgrove of St. Cloud. and Mr.

and Mrs. George Palmer of Normal, were guests at the home of their nephew John Palmer, last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Brothers made a business trip "tor Sheldon and Medford Monday.

The Clarence Glidden and Lyle Tallman families spent Sunday picnicking near Chippewa. Mr. Mrs. and children and Mr. and Mrs.

Herb 01- son and daughter spent Sunday at Lake Isadore near Medford. Levi Walker and H. U. Smith of Chicago spent Saturday evening with Mike Glassener. AUGUSTA Mr.

and Mrs. A. G. Kunz are spending a few days with Mrs. Kunz's father at Cameron.

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Wilson and son of Fort Atkinson have been visiting triends in the city for several days.

Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Johnson of Warrens motored up Sunday to spend a few days with relatives.

Mrs. Rachel Brunilson left Monday for a visit with relatives at Milwaukee and Mrs. Sarah Bunn of Bangor. is spending few days at the Mrs. Chamberlain home.

Mr. And Mrs. Theo Anderson and daughters accompanied by Miss Winnifred Kirkham motored to Eau Claire Tuesday. Miss Lydia Arndt went today visiting her sister in Chicago returned this morning. Miss Lydi aArndt.

went today to spend a few days at the Len Randall home with her friend Mrs. J. D. Vaughan. Miss Leone Held returned Saturday evening after a 2 weeks vacation at her home in Alma CenLer.

Mrs. L. T. Randall of Hales corners submitted to an operation Monday morning. COLFAX Colfax is to have a hatchery the Boyceville Hatchery Company having bought the O.

C. Olson property on Main street. The Olsons are to do light housekeeping in the Andrew Olson residence, later to go west to visit relatives indefinitely. The M. E.

church, Main Street Sewing Group, will meet this week Wednesday afternoon at the City Park. Mrs. Ed. Tietz and daughter Nona of Fox Settlement, submitted operations at St. Joseph's hospital, Chippewa Falls, Friday.

Colfax crossed bats with the Dallas team on the latter's diamond Sunday, adding another victory to their list, the score being 9 and 4 in favor of Colfax. Miss Elnora Hovland is visiting relatives at Bloomer this week. Mr. and Mrs. L.

Fielstad were callers in Eau Claire Friday evening. Mrs. G. Vorland has been forced to give up her. hat shop, due to poor health.

Miss Dora Daniels has purchased her stock as well as that of Mrs. J. Storlie's and' will operate at the Storlie place. Mrs. N.

A. Lee and daughter Cleon of Clinton visited relatives here the last of the week. Gjermund and Sigvold Thompson spent Saturday and Sunday at Chetek. Miss Margaret Lindahl of Cumberland visited friends at the E. P.

Rosenberg home over Sunday. Mrs. C. Christiansen- of Lakeville, is visiting at the Pete Rasmussen home. La Verne Hovland is spending a few weeks at the home of his grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Ole Hovland, near Sand, Creek. Mrs. M. Weiland Bloomer, Mr.

and Mrs. E. Welland and two sons of Richland Center, and Miss Jesse Melville and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Weiland of Chippewa Falls visited relatives at the M.

Hovland home Friday. J. B. Viets and family were in Menomonie Monday afternoon on business. Miss Esther Olson who is employed in Minneapolis came home Sunday evening for a short vaca-: tion.

Charles Paul and Mr. and Mrs. L. Pooler and Mrs. Ed.

Stovern and daughter were in the vicinity of Spooner over Sunday picking blueberries. Extra Specials down payment, balance like rent. Modern 8 room home, valuable lot, State St. corner. This is a snap.

An out of town owner will consider offer. cash, balance like rent. Modern 6 room home with garage. Good W. S.

location. Act quick. cash, New 4 room bungalow, full basem*nt, electricity, garage. $2700-8300 cash. 4 room cottage and garage.

large lots. All In fruit. Plums, apples, cherries, grapes, gooseberries, currants, strawberries, and raspberries. Anderson Land Co. MODERN HOUSE, 10 HOT waheat.

garage. 814 Oxford $6000. Partly mod. 6 room house, 317 Madison, $3500. Peter Schlosser Agency.

FOR SALE BY OWNER-8 rm. house, 430 Jefferson Price right for quick sale. Easy" terms or lease for 1 or 2 years and make necessary improvements. Address W. J.

Nauman, 3139 2nd. Ave. So. Minn. ONE 5-ROOM, ONE 2-ROOM House, 7 lots, $2500; 8-room house, garage, 2 lots, 1st $3500.

Phone 1671. C. D. Nichols. Lake Property Cottages.

FURNISHED LOG CABIN FOR rent. boats and motor. Moose Lake. J. H.

Ohm. For Sale or Trade. FOR HOUSE, BRAND NEW PONtiac coach and two lots, 1925 Overland touring. Looks runs like new. Cheap.

Germania St. Garage Space to Let GARAGE FOR RENT. 719 FOURTH Avenue. Wanted to Rent. OR 6 ROOM ALL MOD.

HOUSE or apt. Phone 2508J. 120 TO 200 ACRE FARM WITH milch cows, by experienced farm-. er Roy Chambers, Exeland, Wis. R.

2. Farm and Lands for Sale. $500.00 Buys Good 80 Acre Farm 60 acres broke, 6-room house, medium sized barn and other buildings; 3 horses, 6 good cows, 2 calves, 9 hogs, 50 chickens, 30 turkeys; farm machinery. Will take medium priced Eau Claire residence, as part payment. Anderson Land Co.

IN SMALL TRACTS NEAR City, in 40 acre and larger tracts. Improved farms and city sale. Building loans made. George J. Losby.

FARM FOR SALE-145 acres. All under cultivation, mile from station. Good buildings. 7 head of horses. 85 cows, several thousand chickens, all machinery.

With or without crop, stock and machinery. Setting on account of illness. Herman Stabenow, R. 4, Fall Creek Wisconsin. Business.

Notices, CUT FREIGHT RATES ON HOUSEhold 'goods to the Pacific and other points. For particulars write The Boyd Transfer and Storage Minneapolis. For Sale, Miscellaneous. SLIDE TROMBONE. HIGH AND low pitch.

Phone 1210 W. GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO CHEAP. 506 S. Farwell. Phone 2018.

REED BUGGY, LARGE SIZE; Large steel crib. Phone 2743 W. PIANO, IN GOOD CONDITION. INQ. 321 Babco*ck St.

WASHING MACHINE AND wringer. Chestnut St. REED BABY BUGGY. PHONE 1592 704 Niagara. FIFTY FT.

TWELVE GAUGE fourteen inch diameter, slightly used smokestack at Bremer-Mattison. AUTO PARTS AND TIRES. Wrecking Yard, Chippewa Road. AUTO STROP SAFETY Razor, with strop, blade and shaving. cream, 80c; blades 3 pkgs.

for $1.00, G11- lette, Auto-Strop and Durham Duplex-All cuttery at close-out -H. Abramson. Open eve. LARGE ICE-BOX. INQ.

QUINN'S Store. 703 So. Barstow. OFFICE DESKS CHAIRS. JORdan Motor Co.

Phone 79 W. A SLIGHTLY USED SEWING MAchine. Special bargain. Singer Shop 50 NEW AND SECOND HAND REfrigerators, $5 and up. also 1 large McCrey store refrigerator, Ice capacity 800 lbs.

Max- Cooks, 822 N. Barstow. Tel. 667W. 26 FOOT LAUNCH, CLYINDER Kermath motor, enclosed with deck, auto steering wheel, will accommodate party of twelve people; good shape and condition.

Will sell for cash, trade for small motors and boats or good lake shore land. Write, call or phone M. Homs, "Homewood" Chetek, Wis: For Sale, Household Goods 4-BURNER GAS RANGE $4.00. -928 Barland St. WRITING DESK, BED AND spring, childrens' slide.

1024 1st. Ave. COOK STOVE, Heater, other hh. gds. Leaving city.

Call eve. Gray. For Sale .40 oil' stoves, $3 up, 35. ice-boxes, $5 up, 15 tents, $7 up, 25 dressers, $10 up, 75 iron beds. $1.50 up, 125 chairs.

35c up, lawn seats. swings, mowers, at your own price. AUGUST REISS 413-415 Galloway St WILSON Mr. and Mrs. Amel Raether and children of Ludington, called on Mr.

Raether's brother, Artbur, Sunday. Mrs. Otto Maik and two children have returned from a few days' visit in Eau Claire. Mr. and Mrs.

John Van Cleave took Sunday dinner at the Wm. DeLamatter home. Geo. Stanko who has spent the past six weeks at his uncle's, Andrew Pavliks, returned to. his home in Illinois, Friday." Mr.

and Mrs. Taloon of Wellsville, Ohio, have been visiting at the H. Hoffman home. Mr. and Mrs.

H. Croasdale and son Jack called' at the Wm. D' Lamatter home recently. Mr. and Mrs.

I. Boyea, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Canfield and children took in the movies at the Ludington pavilion Sunday evening.

Mrs. Luella Johnson visited Mrs. Josie Macomber recently. Mrs. Carl Zimmerman and son of Allen are spending a few days with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Ar" thur Macomber. Loyal Wilber of Augusta is working for John Ecklor. Mr. and Mrs.

I. R. Boyea were Augusta callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.

Pete Swatzina and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marion and baby of Edson spent Friday evening at I. R. Boyea's.

LOCAL GIRL TO ENTER DOMINICANS Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gilbertson left yesterday for Sinsinawa, Wisconsin, to attend the ceremony of their daughter, Jocelyn, receiving the habit as a religious nun of the Dominican Order.

This order is one of the large orders of the Catholic Church and was founded by St. Dominic in the 13th century, The Dominican Congregation at Sinsinawa was founded in 1853 by Father Mazzuchelli, an early misbuilt the first permanent Catholic sionary in this state, who alsochurches at Green Bay, Prairie du Chien and Dubuque. This congregation maintains over eighty schools and colleges, including Rosary College at Chicago and Edgewood College at Madison, Wisconsin. Miss Gilbertson graduated from Eau Claire High school with the class of 1922 and received her college education at Rosary College. During the past year she has taught Spanish and history at Saint Clara Academy.

Miss Gilbertson's. religious name will be Sister Mary Lucia. PRISONER SEES FILM, GOES BACK TO CELI MONESSEN, -When Henry Laird was sitting in his cell San urday night after his arrest on disorderly conduct charge, lie remembered that a theater here war exhibiting a moving picture that he had wanted specially see Reaching through the bars, he tested the lock and found it had not been fastened, so he walked out of jail and went to the show. His absence discovered, police be. gan a search throughout the city that proved futile.

After the per. formance, Laird returned to hit cell and was sleeping peacefully Sunday when the desk sergeant made a visit to the lockup. and Col- Jack Lockwill at Rocklake By Gilbert Patten 8-2 The sheriff and two other men appeared, all' of them armed. They listened somewhat incredulously to Jack's story of how Gara- "Well now," said the sheriff, baldi had saved the little girl by jumping 'on to the wild bear and "with one bear killed and driving the creature away. Then Bambi, panting and breathless, Widder Dearborn's little girl all reached them.

"Oh, I think they kill-a Garabaldi!" she jabbered. to safe, be I guess there ain't going Sobbing for joy, she flung her arms around the bear's neck, any more They were on their way of the woods when they came upon two of the armed bearhunters who had captured Tony Arato and were taking, him to town. 8-2. As they approached a pasture beyond the woods, they heard a shouting and screaming as if in great agony. Just within the border of the forest, they found Elam Frye, who had been caught in the bear-trap he had attempted to set near the old horse that Nate Turner had shot.

Both the man's arms were caught fast in the wicked jaws of the trap, and he could not release himself. EX NEA SERVICE, INC. (To Be Continued).

Leader-Telegram from Eau Claire, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.