Rdr2 Rattlesnake Hollow (2025)

1. Rattlesnake Hollow - Red Dead Wiki - Fandom

  • Rattlesnake Hollow is a natural formation in Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Red Dead Online in the Cholla Springs region of the New Austin ...

  • Rattlesnake Hollow is a natural formation in Red Dead Redemption, Red Dead Redemption 2, and Red Dead Online in the Cholla Springs region of the New Austin territory. It includes several small caves in the south face of the Redemption Mountains west of Twin Rocks. In 1907 (or 1899 if discovered through glitches) the player can find a small chest with Otis Miller's Revolver along with several explicit photos. It is unknown how it got there or when as no evidence has arrived. Not much is known abo

2. Rattlesnake Hollow - Red Dead Wiki - Fandom

  • Rattlesnake Hollow est une formation rocheuse présente dans la région de Cholla Springs, dans l'état de New Austin. Rattlesnake Hollow est une falaise aves ...

  • Rattlesnake Hollow est une formation rocheuse présente dans la région de Cholla Springs, dans l'état de New Austin. Rattlesnake Hollow est une falaise aves des petites grottes. Ces grottes sont réparties sur trois "étages". Au deuxième niveau, un coffre est caché dans une de ces grottes. En 1907, le joueur peut trouver le Revolver d'Otis Miller et plusieurs images. Aucune information n'est donnée quant à son arrivé dans cette caverne. En 1911, John peut capturer un criminel qui se cache en ces l

3. Torn Treasure Maps - Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide - IGN

4. Online Treasure Map Locations, Gang Hideouts, and Gold Bars - IGN

  • Rattlesnake Hollow is a potential spawn point for a Gang Hideout. Rattlesnake Hollow can be found in the New Austin region towards the western edge of the map, ...

  • Red Dead Online has its own unique treasure maps, and since money is such an important commodity, you'll probably want to find some as soon as

5. Ambient Red Dead Redemption - Rattlesnake Hollow 1.0 - SoundCloud

  • 24 mei 2020 · Stream Ambient Red Dead Redemption - Rattlesnake Hollow 1.0 ... RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 Ambient Music Train Valley (RDR2 Soundtrack | OST).

  • Mix by VanillaVercetti

6. Ambient Red Dead Redemption - Rattlesnake Hollow 1.0 - SoundCloud

  • 24 mei 2020 · ... (RDR2 Soundtrack | OST). Melkigane. 16.6K. 1:00:00. 2y · RED DEAD ...

  • Mix by VanillaVercetti

7. How to Get Otis Miller's Revolver in Red Dead Redemption 2

  • 5 nov 2018 · Otis Miller's Revolver Location: In a Chest inside a Cave in Rattlesnake Hollow ... To find Otis Miller's Revolver, you are going to need to make ...

  • Made of gold and ivory, the revolver is a really nice looking weapon you should add to your collection. Below I will walk you through how to get Otis Miller's Revolver in Red Dead Redemption 2. 

8. Rattlesnake Hollow - RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 情報&攻略@ wiki

  • 20 apr 2020 · RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 情報&攻略@ wiki | RDR2; Rattlesnake Hollow. RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 情報&攻略@ wiki. Rattlesnake Hollow. 最終更新: 2020年04 ...

  • 概要 解説地図 概要 日本語:ラトルスネークホロー 地形:丘 所在地:ニューオースティン - コーラスプリングス 解説 険しい丘。斜面には小さな洞穴が多数存在する。 修復した宝の地図 のお宝が隠されて...

Rdr2 Rattlesnake Hollow (2025)


What weapon for perfect rattlesnake rdr2? ›

The Black-tailed Rattlesnake can be found New Austin. As carnivores, they prey on small animals like mice, rats and lizards. A Bow with Small Game Arrows is considered to be the best weapon to kill these snakes, without causing too much damage to their skin.

How to get Otis Miller's revolver in RDR2? ›

Otis Miller's Revolver is hidden in a chest inside a cave along the north of Cholla Springs. Use the two Torn Treasure Maps to find it's location and add the weapon to your collection after Epilogue 1.

Who was Otis Miller in RDR2? ›

Otis Miller was a legendary gunslinger often associated with the Wild West. The leader of a gang of outlaws called the Otis Miller Boys, Miller reportedly performed the first robbery of a train in 1866, which turned him into an infamous figure and made him the subject of many dime novels.

What to do with rattlesnake rdr2? ›

Rattlesnakes can be hunted and skinned for snake skin that can later be sold to merchants for cash. In-game, they are very deadly.

How do you get the perfect snake carcass in RDR2? ›

Snakes are small sized animals. They spook horses instantly and slither along the ground. To get a perfect kill on a snake will require the use of the Bow with Small Game Arrows.

Who is the autistic guy in rdr2? ›

Bertram is first encountered in the Old Light Saloon at Van Horn Trading Post where he can be seen acting in a most peculiar way. Bertram seemingly gets angry and attacks the bartender for removing a bottle of alcohol from him.

Whose son is Jack in rdr2? ›

Is Jack Marston actually Dutch van der Linde's son? No, Both games make it very clear Jack is John's son.

Is the hermit Charlie Tatum? ›

It is then that the player may realize that the hermit they very likely killed to get the first part of the map to begin with was in fact Charlie Tatum himself, which makes it extremely likely that the woman they got the other part of the map from was in fact Otis' wife, who fled with part of the map after Charlie ...

What are raccoons used for in rdr2? ›

Their meat is edible but stringy, and their skin can be used for crafting. Yields pelt and stringy meat. Used in crafting and cooking or can be sold.

What weapon to use for perfect pelts in RDR2? ›

So, in order to maximise the quality of your kill, you'll need the hunters weapon of choice: the bow. This weapon is unlocked in the Chapter One mission Aftermath of Genesis. It's quiet and powerful enough to kill an animal in one shot, if you're close enough and hit a vital organ.

What weapon is best for perfect alligator skin RDR2? ›

You'll want to kill one that is near the shore so you can actually skin it. The best weapon to use is a sniper rifle with any type of ammo, except explosive. Aim for the heart or brain with Dead Eye to get a perfect kill.

What animals is the Varmint Rifle good for in RDR2? ›

SpeciesVarmint Rifle
3 more rows
Aug 10, 2019

What is the best weapon for hunting legendary animals in RDR2? ›

Also make sure you have some powerful weapons, such as a Bow with Improved Arrows or Poison Arrows. A Sniper Rifle and most forms of Shotgun are also very useful when facing Legendary Animals. Finally, remember that these creatures are unique and can only be killed once.


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

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Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.